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-antastic showing. Better luck next time sony bros

-uck niggers

New Killer Instinct when?

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-uck fellow sonybros, it’s not looking good

>still no halo infinite gameplay

bros what are they hiding....

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-eelin good xchads

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Yeah we all believed it when nintendo said that aswell and what did we get? Just a bunch of ports

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i got da smallest pee pee in da world

b-but the 360 sales! The... sales!


inally showing some amazing gameplay

Nintendo is all about the 1st party games bro

> we have a product for those who don't have a stable connectivity, it's called Xbox 360
Jesus Christ what a sad fucking statement.

and xbox is all about third parties you can play on playstation and pc?

-ear no man, no beast or evil, brother

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Because third party games can't play on the console

And they didn't show gameplay from a single one of them. It's almost like that's all for show and they'll cancel or shelve most of that and lean back on Halo, Gears, and Forza for another 6 years.

There is another next moth again
Also First party games the stream of Jully

can't wait for Scalebound! Oh... right

So I just got home did they really not show anything good?
Glad I had work to take my mind off it. Would have sucked sitting around waiting for Series No Games

the medium looks cool
some weebstuff by namco
the ascent is a lootrpg if you fancy that

Platinum Games isn't listed there because they only make garbage

>I-I didn't want it anyway!

they did.
They made a poor marketing choice by insisting on "Gameplay" but nothing showing any. That's why people are mad

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Still waiting for that Deep Down game brother

There were a few good things

Everyone's problem is that they labeled it as a gameplay thing and then showed next to no gameplay

Xbox shills awfully quiet now. Shame. Guess it's back to your corner until the next generation of Xbox releases. Maybe that one will be a winner for sure this time!

>Crystal Dynamics
Didn't they go defunct?
Bannerlord 2 on Xbox?

>awfuly quiet
You need to see a doctor

Good representation of Xbox shills on Zig Forums the last couple months

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Yeah, you're the normal one. Admit you lost and move on.

You'll be sorry when the xbox series one x comes out

>Crystal Dynamics
avengers game
probably, they ported warband to console 2/3 years ago

It’s going to be a disaster