Risk of Rain

game just opened, get in

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Risky 2 10 Man host here.
Fixed the Anger server artifact (I think)
Blood should be easy enough to fix
Expanding on the ways for arch wisps to spawn
Fixed the latejoin item exploit
adding more serverside artifacts

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Cool will join. Lobby #?

I don't host like that. I use dedicated servers, so you have to use the console to join my games. I'm still working on some updates, so I'm not up yet, will be up soon though.

So now players only get items the one time, right?

me on the left

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open again

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Correct. They can rejoin and pick a new character, but all of their previous items get wiped if they do so.

So it's completely wiped on rejoining so they have no items?

No. If they were playing, had items and rejoin, all of those things remain intact. if they opt to use the /join_as feature, their inventory gets wiped and replaced with a randomized new one.

That actually sounds cool. Like a less risky sequence shrine

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New Server Artifact: Artifact of Essence
Use: Adds Elite equipment to lunar item pool

How do I get good at commando in 2? I really struggle with him more than any other character.

Get the slide. It allow you to actually dodge attacks AND attack yourself while doing it, it's a straight upgrade.

So what are all the artifacts you got?

I played a bit of the original ror when it came out but never really got into it.
Now I recently got the sequel and it has kinda absorbed my gaming time completely.
Is it still worth it to go back and play 1 or is 2 just better and a replacement in every way?

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Artifact of Wisps - Allows Arch Wisps to spawn
Artifact of Anger - Players can opt into becoming shadow clones to fight the survivor team. They get items each level
Artifact of Blood (broken currently) - Using a bunch of convoluted chat commands, you can play as a monster to fight the survivors. Deal damage to gain money, which can be used for stat upgrades, elite types, and monster types.
Artifact of Essence: All elite types are added to the lunar item drop pool.

Are these actual artifacts on the artifact menu that can be added by mods or some fuckery via the server?
Because if so, might as well release it.

I call them serverside artifacts. Players can vote for them in the chat, and they otherwise work like normal artifact. Only the server needs the artifact installed.

Go back and play the first. They play differently save for sharing a few characters.

still open?

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New artifact: Voidspite
If combined with Spite, all bombs will turn into Voidreaver projectiles upon hitting the ground.

>get all enemies in a big group
>kill one wisp
>entire group of enemies instantly killed
too easy

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okay hear me out
commando and mercernary
but fused together

Nemesis Commando in the Starstorm mod.

>unlock every survivor and ability and item and challenge and skin
>get rng fucked over the one boss log that is keeping you from 100%ing the game

>one month after 2 update and threads are already almost entirely dead

There's too many vidya threads. We should make the general on /trash/ so we'd have all the fucking time in the world to post and arrange games. Hell, we could even post proper lewds.

They are dead. The update was so bad that it killed interest in the second game. First game is okay, Starstorm is pretty much the only thing that lives though.

>give people a tool to trivialize the game
>people use it and get bored and start blaming the game for getting bored
remove Command

2 is shit and it has nothing to do with command.