What is Red Dead Redemption 3 gonna focus on

What is Red Dead Redemption 3 gonna focus on

>Dutch's gang before 1899 with one of the following being the player/main character:
a. Mac Callander
b. Arthur Morgan
c. Some combo of both Callander bros.
d. Dutch Van der Linde

>period between 1899 and 1907 or after 1907 with one of the following being the player/main character
a. John (his life seems pretty boring before 1907 and after 1907 was already RDR1)
b. Sadie (her life seems more interesting but all the emotional stakes in her story seem to have resolved when she wiped out Colm's boys)
c. Charles

>Archie Downes after being run out of Annesburg with his mother

>The Wapiti struggle in the late 19th century. Idk if anything would have to be retconned here given how much Rains Fall seems to emphasize pacifism.

>Any of the gunslingers in their heyday (Belle, Midnight, Granger, Hernández, Calloway, Grant)

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Dutch's plan to take over the retirement home

I would like to move away from Dutch's gang, but not remove them entirely. Maybe be an opposing gang that's hurting heads with Dutch's gang, something similar to GTA 4 where all the characters are intertwined, but not integral to eachother's plot.

Surely they won’t just keep stepping back in time with the same characters, playing as Arthur again would be terrible.

whats the latest time in us history where a frontier still existed?

You play as young Edgar Ross.
You see why he is such a dick.

RDR3 you play as Patrick O’Driscoll, has a lot of focus on Irish immigration/racism of the time.
A big part of the main story involves the relationship between Patrick, your brother Colm, and Dutch turning bad. I’m unsure whether those other two are playable characters at this point.
Screenshot this.

Who care's its gonna be shitty. All the top brass that made rockstar what it is have left the company now. We'll be lucky if GTA 6 is any good.

There are parts of Alaska no known human has ever set foot.

I honestly think after GTA 6 they'll quit making games. They'll just make endless online expansions for GTA. I don't see them making RDR3, despite rdr2 selling well nobody appreciated the sheer autistic level of detail.

There will never be a Red Dead Redemption 3 retards.

This is all wrong. First main character will die and then you’re gonna be in control of black man who is descended from a line of Dutch kings.

The existing gangs are pretty difficult to sympathize with so far though. The Murfree Brood as cannibals and the Skinner Brothers as monsters. And for PR reasons you can't make a game where you play as the Confederate-sympathizing Lemoyne Raiders.

you play as Sean MacGuire back in Ireland

Play as young Dutch in the 1870s/80s. Could be more of a true western.

I won't play it unless you can play as a young Hosea Matthews helping Dutch create the Van Der Linde gang.

Unronically Micha could make for a great tragedy, show how his father turned him into a man with a dog eat dog view of the world, maybe play as Ross to show he was working with Micha behind Milton's back or something I dunno
Call it Red Dead Damnation, be a real outlaw

I hope they focus on making the game actually fun to play this time

New storyline. Would be nice at the time when the expansion to the west just began, whenever that was. Would enjoy if it was real grim and raw, too

That sounds pretty interesting, do you have any more info on this?

RDR3 will definitely have you playing as a native during the border wars

main character should be a guy who dies in the end

This, you could include gang building mechanics and have your actions influence a young Arthur to be either more cruel or more gallant.

it'll be about jack during prohibition

>Play as jack during Dubya dubya 1
>Open world in fake state of france/germany

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Callander boys did feel like they were planted and left blank to leave an angle for another prequel. But I want Landon Rickett's life, in the climax he'll witness Dutch snap at the Blackwater Massacre and you unlock Mexico in the epilogue.

I would actually be good with this as long as its not called Red Dead.


why not?

I love that idea
Something far out West like Wyoming, Colorado, or California in the 1880s / 1890s would be kino
If I were going to do Jack I'd set it either in the 1920s crime wave, which imo is the obvious choice. More obscure could be Jack fleeing to Mexico for murdering Edgar Ross and getting tied up in the waning years of the Revolution (great way to bring up Reyes again). And most ambitious and hardest to pull off would definitely be a European open world. Always thought Eastern Europe during the various Communist revolutions would be top shelf opportunity for an open world crime game. Shit nigga theres even a whole genre of Soviet film called Osterns set during the Russian Civil War. It's Rockstar so no matter what people would buy it.
Only condition is that Jack has to realize the hollowness of a life of crime and ends with him starting a family and writing his book called "Red Dead Redemption." It's corny, but FUCK we need a happy ending to this series.

Forgot to link what Osterns look like.
