Noooooooooooooooo, a muscular woman in my vydia. This is literally incel genocide!!1!!

Noooooooooooooooo, a muscular woman in my vydia. This is literally incel genocide!!1!!

Attached: fabdb7ff-9fd4-421c-9743-aa89c519553d-the-last-of-us-2-abby.png (1920x1080, 819.32K)

It's not actually a woman lad...

That's a dude, dude.

Tranny, Tranny, I see Trannies everywhere, why do they live in my mind 24/7...

Attached: 4029043923049234.png (840x859, 481.78K)

>we modeled our female character after a woman taking male hormones
>"noOoOoO guys she's a woman!

haha golf club go bonk


Why are you so obsessed with fat people?

Oh you were JUST a bad troll....I thought you were a stupid AND bad one. My bad.

Sage em up boys.

how the hell are people finding estrogen pills in the fucking apocalypse? Is this man drinking pregnant horse urine or something?

Noooooooooooooooo, the game about zombies and killing hundreds of enemies has a woman that doesn't look natural, this is the end, literal GENOCIDE guys, I'm telling you

>he thinks people are mad about this

Judging by the look of him, I don't think he's taking much estrogen at all desu.

They literally said they made her look like that for trans acceptance purposes.

Triggered tranny itt

Seething incel, he is boiling lol

you sound like it lol


Abby is fucking based i dont care, keep crying Joel retarded ass had it coming

Denial already? It's only been 16 posts

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They are, they literally are. And most that say they're mad because of Joel use it as a smokescreen to talk about the fucking "tranny" which is just a fucking woman with strong arms.

No they didn't.

I remember when low effort shit like this was ban worthy


Reminder that abby bites the dust

The lesbo wins the dyke olympics

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this appeals to my peepee so its fine, also, japan made it

thats a bro... bro

>thinking ellie could EVER overpower MUSCLE ABBY

>Spend hours online talking about TLoU2, a sequel to another shit Sony walking simulator that no gamers actually liked just to vent about imaginary trannys.

Imagine letting dudes who take estrogen get in your head this hard lmao TLOU is a shit game, what a surprise TLOU 2 is a shit game.

Can some user post that resetera tranny ban and that new article? 16 posts in and the snoy apologist has already in denial, kek

Nice. Could it be after the leaked fight then ?

rent free

Abby would have to keep those rope marks for quite a l9ng time for that to be the case

We know abby meets lev in the rope scene because of the trailer. Lev is with abby when she fights ellie, and abby no longer has marks and bruises. So its probably a fight that happens at the end of ellies section, maybe in the seraphite camp shorty after abby is set free by lev

Ellie got beatten to a pulp in that fight, she cant even stand up and Abby is still at PEEK form. I dont believe its right.

what we need to see now is if shes has that same wrist mark on the leaks too

I always make buff babes in SR and DD:DA. Except they are women, not manfaced impersonators.