Aw, fuck it. Let's talk about The Last of Us 2!

Aw, fuck it. Let's talk about The Last of Us 2!

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-05-07 18-24-45.png (1223x688, 856.8K)

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free my nigga mr. plinkett


Not buying, get fucked.

can someone give me a quick rundown? are sony faggots upset their favourite character died? fucking pathetic

It's anti-christian and pro-faggot so Jay will love it.

Jay would absolutely love it, but only because "Muh atmospheric slow burn". He would hate the zombie focus and I literally cannot see him liking Joel as a character beyond the last chunk of the game that suggests he might be bad. Mike would probably hate it though, because the game's entire plot is linear and nothing interesting happens at any point in the game.


What did Rich think of last of us one?

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Lost interest in the series after they made Ellie a lesbian.

>I'm the immune one, hope for humanity
>What? Procreate? Naaaah, i'm going to go scissor some Jewess instead! Fuck the world!

Mike loves linear movies, though.


He likes linear movies when fun stuff is happening. He literally has stated on several occasions he likes dumb schlock bullshit because it's at least entertaining. TLOU is extremely flat. It's just "Joel kills some bandits" moving into "Joel kills some Clickers" moving into "Joel kills some more bandits" with random """worldbuilding""" that amounts to a wet fart ending. I can't see Mike liking this game.


Where is the full leak?

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Rent free

Rich and Jack might have some garbage opinions on videogames but he hit the nail right on the head here.


In regards to Naughty Dog:
Stop giving money to people who hđť—®te you.

Nah, Jay is notoriously critical of Oscar Bait, of which TLoU is the video game equivalent.

Jack and Jay need to stop turning people into meat.

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>He pops up and he makes the gun go "boom boom!" It's a game!

Yeah, if they care more about "telling a story" than making a game, third person is the way to go. They all want their cinematic experience.

Didn't the Brian De Palma Mission Impossible movie do the same thing as this game? That movie was pretty great, you fags will get annoyed about anything.

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Not really? You could say it retconned Jim's character but even then you could excuse it as the movie being made 40 years after the show and by different people. A better example would be if Mission Impossible 2 was also directed by Brian De Palma, it killed Ethan in the most pathetic and outta nowhere way imaginable and Luther became the main protagonist.

That would make for an interesting story if they actually explored it, is it fair to impregnate someone against their will if it's necessary for survival? But instead we're getting the lesbo Black Mirror episode mixed with torture porn.

Didn't Resistance 3 kill the previous MC and make you play as his killer? Sony are hacks

Mike legit doesn't care about video games, Rich was trying to explain how Picard ripped off Mass Effect and Mr. Star Trek Trivia Machine didn't give a shit. And video game writing has no standards, so they go all in on melodrama, Mike would have laughed his ass off at the daughter getting shot.

they won't do it because they went from jokingly being hack frauds to just being literal hacks. Mike is clearly over it and no longer funny since he started to drink less. Best of the worst is so bad and literally has to rely on celebrity cameos to maintain what minuscule relevance it had.

Also jay is a piece of shit that sucks SJW cock every chance he gets; "Rey isn't a mary sue!" while mocking his fans lol what a cuck.

>mike = my opinions because i like mike
>jay = not my opinions because i dont like jay

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I would prefer best of the worst without celebs. I don't think Caulkin is on there for that. Pretty sure he lives in the same city as them now too.

Try watching their channel, faggot. The only time these two ever openly disagree with each other is when Jay is being a snob about film and Mike is bored with the snobbery, or when a film is fun and enjoyable and Jay cannot act like his enlightened tastes are being flexed.

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did they shit on your favorite capeshit movie user?

Rich is my favorite guy in that whole media group. Also very arguably the smartest even if the guy has the linguistic abilities of a well trained parrot.

My frens

>Jay sucks off literally every MCU movie that isn't Captain Marvel without exception
If anything they're too lenient on capeshit that isn't DC.

>any time he tries to do something as a joke, like the metal scream, everyone immediately shits on him
Mike better keep his bottle aim sharp, I can see the mass shooter brewing

They understand that they’re popcorn movies, and that they’re competently made. They’ll frequently shit on them in retrospective though, like when they were trying to remember the backstory of Thor
Am annoyed that they were basically fine with the time travel retcons of Endgame though, but apparently that’s a Star Trek staple


>mike = my opinions, they are reasonable and modest
>jay = not my opinions, they are pretentious and pseudo-intellectual
happy now? if you actually think jay would love the last of us, you're a retard who doesnt actually understand these people despite having spent countless hours watching their interactions

Rich has the mind of a fifteen-year-old fedora.

I'd say they're comparable situations - if anything the Mission Impossible example is more disrespectful than the Last of Us is. Phelps is unambiguously the villain in the Mission Impossible reboot. At least there's a degree of moral complexity in the Last of Us 2.


Rich play up his opinions for laughs but when it comes the time to give a serious a take on something he cares about, the bats it out of the park.

There was a guy that worked with the Red Letter Media guys some years ago, he leaked some info about them, Rich had a shitty family life, he is a deeper guy than he lets on

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Rich Evans is literally a fat fucking failure who never achieved anything in his life and the only reason he's not homeless or working at Walmart is because Mike gave him a handout, so of course he's the one Zig Forums identifies with the most.

I think Mike has shit taste in movies and he literally cannot engage with anything unless he's comparing it to a Star Trek episode, but at least he was a successful small business owner even before the Plinkett reviews.

*appears in video*

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there is a difference between a reboot and a sequel, you dumb faggot. the original character from the tv show is more or less just a homage or a reference.

it should probably go without saying that we're talking under the pretense that they cared as much about vidya as they do films

the celebrity cameo BOTWs (outside of Mac) are the worst ones though

It was funny when he got triggered by the one video of the cop pointing out the connection between satanism and homosexuality.

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I hate Josh but he is infinitely better than macoley cukin and his faggot friend

If you think joel dying is out of pocket for TLOU you're a fucking normie. You faggots are the reason plot armor exists and I compel you to reflect on that.