Phantom Thieves before Makoto joined

Phantom Thieves before Makoto joined
After she joined

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>"Smart" party member joins the team.
>Everyone else gets nerfed into being a retard and "smart" party member just does the common sense thing.
Welcome to jap writing, OP.

The issue is she's a no fun allowed chick

Dont tell that to makotofags, theyll just say Everyone before her was always retarded and its a miracle that they managed to complete 2 palaces before she joined

Cope Annfag

Everyone before her was always retarded and it's a miracle that they managed to complete two palaces before she joined.

Makoto has a big butt!

my bird bride

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How many RPG's are like this where the later cast fucks with the feeling of the initial cast.

you fags always say this but i haven't seen one example of everyone being stupid and makoto being smart

play the game and take off your makoto tinted glasses

I wanna ride the mona car

I'm not a makotofag, but in any social group the one who is assumed to be the smartest is usually given responsibility, whether they are actually smart or not. None of them knew anything about the metaverse or palaces, makoto stating the obvious was all anyone could have done. Her role in the group isn't unrealistic.

The protagonist can actually be top of the class. Whether marks actually represent your intellectual capabilities properly is another argument, but Makoto is propped up because of her marks, so it stands to reason that the writers think so.

all of the characters are flat as a board.

Nah it's just Persona's awful writing.

Remember when everyone was competent then forgot how to do basic tasks once Futaba joined so she could show off her 1337 h4cker skills?

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The protagonist can't talk.

Makoto and Morgana stained 5

Examples? Need some ammo.

what are you talking about? If anything Futaba did way more shit smarter than Makoto

Makoto is the Peggy Hill of the phantom thieves

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Mona is Bobby

man her full on blushed face so cute the first time i saw it i almost fell in love

>It's another "Makoto made the team worse" Thread
This is what, the 5th one this week?
God these fucking threads are just an echo chamber of everyone agreeing with some dumbasses reatarded argument that's can be and has been refuted so many times that it's as shallow as a 15 year old girl in any cartoon.

How about you replay the game and take off those Makoto hating glasses
They were idiots that got by because of luck and convenience.
The first time they go into Mementos they all somehow think Morgana is gonna drive himself as a car and get in the back.
The only reason they get involved with Madarame at all is because of Yusuke wanting to draw Ann.
When they were trying to figure out the palace location they just said random fucking locations, no of which were the right one. Ryuji guessed Guiding guidance counselor office and farm as one. Ann went Castle.
Somehow no one but (you) think of Museum until the last minute despite the fact that Madarame is artist and they were in one the day fucking before with his art.

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>Royal is my first experience with this game
>Get to the Okumura Palace part of the story and my friends talk about how terrible it is
>It's actually worse than what I heard
What were they thinking?

I just hate that it takes several days away from the player because "I'm worried about Morgana..."
"I should stay home in case Morgana comes back..."

OK, so I'm staying home, can't I at least watch a movie or make curry?

then they take another day from you by making you go into the palace only to instantly get kicked back out
then you have to go to Mementos and chase Mona around for absolutely not reason

I never actually hated Okumura's palace.
I honestly hated Futaba's and Shido's more.
Futaba's had you go off to some other location just to grab something to get into her Palace IIRC and all the puzzles seemed tedious.
Shido's was had you go everywhere to grab invites and almost half to all of them could have been gotten easily if the characters swallowed their damn pride/convictions
>Haru getting pissed about some shadows shit talking her dad
>Futaba getting pissed off at the shadow for doing the medjed thing
Would have been nice to not fight every once in a while or even have dialogue choices that could make or break you having to fight or get the invite faster to get through the palace faster but nope.

>reach February 2nd
>Futaba is my last Confidant on rank 9
>I don't think my bond with Futaba will deepen just yet

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I hate morgana and Makoto so fucking much

>could have had Hifumi as the reserved and competent but still fun and chuuni "Queen"
>could have had Makoto free to develop in her own direction as the cowboy cop punch girl "Rider"
Knowing that Makoto absorbed most of Hifumi's planned role as the strategist makes me wonder what her original character was even supposed to be like, I'd like to think it was more towards what we saw in her awakening that tricked me into liking her on my first playthrough and was so disappointed when she just never acted like that again.

I love him

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That was bad enough on its own. What really made me mad was the story reason for it happening being so forced and stupid. I have to waste all these days because they had to force some drama in the plot for no real reason.

The Cleaner was cool though
>eh, you guys are pretty strong, I guess Shido's fucked so I'm just going to leave

Dang, did you try going to Chihaya for an affinity reading?

If Futaba really is your last confidant then just go talk to Chihaya and get an affinity reading

Keep SEETHING. No one likes that boring bitch

>Stalks you
>Blackmails you
>Gets you involved with a gang since she is retarded
>Joins, declares herself the new leader and names herself queen

Why is our "Genius tactical leader" the idiot that thought running up to a gang leader and screaming at him would make him stop pushing?

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Phantom Thieves before Makoto joined
After she joined

This fucking game is so awful, Jesus Christ.

I forgot the cleaner even existed
I haven't played through the who game in a while, though I am replaying it now, but most I remember is the guy in the restaurant, the hacker, the casino guys and the dude by the pool who wanted to see the girls in swimsuits

The part that always shits me with Okumura's was the shitty airlock puzzle. Everything else was OK and as another user said, Futaba's and Shido's dragged more in some places.

Kaneshiro's was still my favourite because it has the sickest backround jam.

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