Damn i don't think gamers are quite ready for a game like this yet

damn i don't think gamers are quite ready for a game like this yet

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I'd be crying too if I was him.

I'd cry too if after years upon years and hundreds of millions the only thing I was able to produce was a turd.

the only time it's appropriate for a man to cry is if a close friend or family member dies unexpectedly or after a long battle with illness
and only then it must be done in private and wrapped up as quickly as possible.

at this point the funniest outcome is it's a legitimate masterpiece right

Zig Forums would never admit it if it was

did you just assume neil's gender

I genuinely consider TLOU2 the death of the medium. It is not a fucking video game.

>Kamina's GigaDrill Breaker
>Double Inazuma Kick
>Plus Ultra Prominence Burn

This pathetic faggot probably cries when his man bun is too tight.

This reminds me of the heavy rain guy creaming himself over his own robot >game and how it is the first >game to be truely deep and art about the themes.

Man any author going "yeah muh work makes me cry bro" makes you sound like a pretentious fucktard, Shakespear could jump out of the grave but if that is the shit that comes out of his mouth I'd still consider him a tosser.

spoken like a true emotionally repressed beta male who hasn't got the balls to show emotion or display vulnerability, blow your brains out lest you breed, and spread this kind of cancerous emotionally stunted drivel to your children.

You Pooren Lashit fags are the fucking worst.

>is a sensitive "nice guy"
>calling anyone else a beta male

why even start an argument? you've already exposed your belly by admitting you're going to get overwhelmed and start crying before I do
once again proving the failing of feelings, they drove you to get into a fight you can't possibly win

if there is anything people love, its sequels that end on a cliffhanger for some gay trilogy!

rent free

Lol what a soi boi



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This is classic tough guy bullshit, a pseudo-male who's convinced himself that his being dead inside somehow gives him an advantage. I'm not going to start crying because somebody calls me names, but the fact that I can be moved by something and be secure enough to show emotion makes me more of a man than the pretentious dullard who pretends to be invincible because acknowledging his emotions makes his smooth brain hurt. You don't win jackshit.

Go cry some more faggot

>heh the failings of feelings am I, right?
>heh you don't win some vague ''fight''
this is your brain on autism and pathological emotional repression.

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This is why there has to be an insane amount of SFM porn. Break the Jewmann as Levine was with Elizabeth porn

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I bet that sounded real clever in your head, but all you're proving is that you're the archetypal tough guy jackass. You're a walking stereotype and an empty, shallow person who will never allow himself to experience emotions because he's too full of shit to even acknowledge them. Have fun with your empty, miserable life.

It's actually hilarious how Levine got so assblasted about SFM porn of his ''daughter''. What a dumbass.

Based. Dealing with your emotions instead of repressing them is infinitely more manly

>design the perfect waifu
>dress her up in a tight corset, make dlc where she's a femme fatale ballbuster
>goade the internet into making porn of her using reverse psychology
Ken Levine isn't a dumbass, he's a goddamn genius and knew exactly what he was doing

I can make him cry just by stealing his wallet.

I haven't seen much
you should let me know where to find more, so I can confirm this

>I cheered, I shouted, I fist pumped the air, I cried, I stood and cheered.
>It’s absolutely everything that you hoped it was going to be

Jesus Christ Druckman it's just a video game

>writer cried when he read something he wrote
Why is this a good thing? He’s literally just sniffing his own farts.

This is why guys kill themselves lmao.

>my gayfootfetish academia
Zig Forums never fails to surprise me when it comes to shit taste.

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I would be crying if after 7 years this is what the game ended up like

What a glorious idea.

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I bet this faggot owns a cat

It's so cringe when people say this kind of stuff. If you're actually concerned with masculinity, you don't care what people think at all. It reeks of a beta faggot trying really hard to be masculine because he was born with low T so his cope is to say "a-at least I don't cry often".

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Game is not out yet but if there is Horizon Zero Dawn porn then there can be TLOU porn. We only need someone with the proper autism to rip the models then others to animate. It's a grueling task with such hideous characters but it must be done, to make Druckmann mad and cry some more.

Whats with this bull ever since hes been outed as a anita sympathizer he is spouting this weird shit

So far I have avoided the spoilers but I'm really glad they are happening. It serves them right for botching this launch so bad.

its so cringe when you cry about a game you made, kys

so the leaks regarding abby are real?

crying isn't dealing with your emotions
seeing something bad happen and having the mental strength to say "well, crying about it isn't going to help anything" is what dealing with it is

that's like someone having a panic attack every time they have to go into an elevator "well that's healthy, at least he's dealing with it"
or how about "stop being an idiot, you were more likely to get killed in the car on the way here than you are to die once you step in there"

It's not even out yet, you asshole.

this nigger definitely shot rope during the torture scenes
thanks for letting us know

Ahhhh, a man who enjoys sniffing his own farts I see.

I'm a fully grown man but I cried when my dog died, is that acceptable?

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>emotions and passion, what are those?
>why isn't everyone as empty, passionless, and dead inside as I am?

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Oh wait you were talking about HZD
If this hideous shit gets porn then anything can.

Hmm, where have I heard this before?

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Was he part of the family?

>Cries over his own creation.
What a narcissist.

It's a good thing because it shows that he gives a shit and has a passion for the medium.

Reminds me of that greek myth of this sculptor who banged his statue

I cried just the other day. Once when I finished 3 gatsu and then when I caught up in the manga.

Thank you sir

I can't fap to this shit. First thing I'm doing on my PC is finding a mod that will hide her ugly face and hair, preferably a spartan helmet


Happens when your creations turn out to be an absolute failure.
You should know, user.
You can hear your parents every night.

Shit, disregard the first sentence, I just woke up and have no reading comprehension

>these gaps in his logic
>he thinks that crying = giving up
crying vents emotions and prevents them from becoming pent up which just leads to further issues down the line, especially if the thing troubling you isn't something that you can fix immediately. I do realize that your parents probably beat you and instilled you with these kinds of emotionally stunted narratives, however, but anyone that wasn't unfortunate enough to have a shit upbringing knows that repressing your feelings on a certain topic does absolutely nothing good for you and will fuck you up internally if done for a long time.

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A trilogy, without Joel. Lolz

Don't touch yourself to that.
Same. Won't play without a face mod.

>crying isn't dealing with your emotions
the absolute state of beta male autists, did your parents never love you or something?

Its okay for men to cry. You don't go around crying like a women or a child, no one respects that. But there are plenty of situations when its okay for men to cry.

>telling people what to coom to
you must be new around here kid.