"this game is almost as bad as SUPERMAN 64!!!!!"

"this game is almost as bad as SUPERMAN 64!!!!!"
11 year old me
>yep heard that one was bad. :/ good one guys.
how did anyone watch this fucking channel and enjoy it?

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Other urls found in this thread:


OP you fag we did this yesterday, if you wanna talk about cinematech next time just post its logo.

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cinematech was just trailers and footage of old games and was nothing of note.... wtf are you talking about.

Xplay was the shit but it was a show about video games during the Xbox/PS2/Gamecube era, the cringe was baked in

Kill yourself.

>11 year old me
Nice to see you have some reading comprehension


Lack of competition

It was great to watch.

I watched x-play because I was still subbed to EGM but I mostly watched techtv for the screensavers and call for help

Oh it's this thread again.

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It is 2020. That faggot is a grown ass man using emoticons to convey a greentext. Fuck you too, kill yourself.

Does anyone have a copy of the original Final Fantasy X review?

Ah yes, way before I had internet access and before it became G4 and X-Play, we had Tech TV and the show was called Extended Play

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Morgan Webb was my crush ever since screen savers.

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TechTV was kino. Any time you have a premise that's boring as fuck and give the writers free reign to work in their weird sense of humor, it comes out amazing (see also: Ghost Stories), so of course XPlay rocked. I would run home every afternoon to make sure I caught the start of it. It's crazy to me that Morgan turned out to be the genuine game lover and Adam the hack, but what can you do?

Screensavers was boring because LaPorte is a smug fuck (still), but his Boomer shtick is comfy these days. Attack of the Show was the perfect tech news variety show and I miss it. I'm glad Olivia Munn inexplicably "best revenge is your paper"'d them all somehow, for all the humiliating shit she had to do.

I miss Anime Unleashed. And Cinematech. And all the stupid science shows that they aired.

Why did you copy the morning thread verbatim? Also Superman 64 did suck balls.

should have stayed blonde... and young

Why aren't you doing any productive since this morning?

Considering the rapid growth of technology these days, it seems like we'd need a technology channel now more than ever.

It's my day off. I'll be productive tomorrow. Promise.

why is Layla Kayleigh so cute

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As long as you give me some of that Trump bux, we cool

There's like a thousand of them on JewTube. Take your pick

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These fucking people had the worst opinions about video games. They complained about "Backtracking" in Metroid Prime 2.


> He likes boring backtracking that artificially makes the game longer

Everybody laugh at this man now!

TechTV / G4 was really a product of its time. Consumer technology had grown to the point that you'd want to watch people explain tips & tricks, show off game trailers, interview people in the industry, and so on, but podcasts and web video were still in their infancy. Nowadays, everything those networks did can be found online, except curation; you have to find informative and entertaining programs on your own, instead of relying on TechTV/G4's producers.

I remember those days. My cousin had ZDTV. I didn't get it until it was TechTV. Really miss that channel...

Not everyone was a child back then. Zoomers....

Have you written your will yet?

>Jade Empire episode
>Doesn't spoiler twist and pretends killing the Emperor is the ending
Show was based

what were the most based shows in g4 history and why were they battlebots and ninja warrior

They were prototypical of game reviewers we see today. Kind of always rubbed me wrong.

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>doesn't use emoticons
i want you faggots off my board pronto.

G4 was a man's channel.

Sorry, bruv. Spent it all on computer parts. Should be here any minute.

it was the "video game reviews with skits!" thing well before it was popular. years before youtube was a thing.