Ninjala thread

Are you hyped for the game? Who's your main?

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>Are you hyped for the game?

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Looking forward to it

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I can't decide between her and burton
Although I will probably end up looking like somebody completly different given the depth of customization, hope we get a more modest version of the cybersuit to wear

i hope we get more context on the divorce

What did Nintendo mean by this?

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Looks pretty cute and funny

Not a great snaggletooth depiction, I hope they change this.
That aside this is prime cunny. I like the original more than the more skin edit.

Due to the insane customization options this game has, nobody will use a "main", everyone will use a custom and the degeneracy will be out of charts.

This is the most close thing we will ever get to a new classic Dissidia (it has the actual co-producer of it), how that makes you feel?

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Nintendo didn't make this.

Ninjala waiting room. What are you guys playing in the meantime while waiting?

I was playing Splatoon 2 demo but it ended, now I am back in playing my only switch game: Warframe.

I found this image a while back although I forget where, most have been from an earlier prototype

Attached: ninjala.jpg (1152x648, 218.69K)

Nigga play something else. Anything else. Warframe is a shit grind: the game.

Which collaborations you want?

hello kitty

I can't, I don't have MONEY and this stupid virus is only making it worse. Before you ask, the switch was a birthday gift and is the old model she forgot to buy a game for it because "she got distracted by cellphones models in the store".

Ninja Gaiden

JSRF x Ninjala
Splatoon x Ninjala
fuck everything else except maybe NMH 3

Xenoblade 2, complete with voices.

Is there single player? And is that pic from some sort of licensed manga?

Which character is this?
Is there fanart?

Hackers found single a separate package sold for actual money.

I'm perfectly okay with that.

You think people who played the beta will get some sort of special costume or item?

They made clear nothing from the demo would go to the full game.