Let’s settle this, Zig Forums. Who is best girl?

Let’s settle this, Zig Forums. Who is best girl?

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I voted for Coconut

>coconut first place
Good taste anons


I can stick my penis in these, right?

Azuki has the best VA

No you can't

we had this thread a few days ago

They're all shit then

>not using the 18+ patch
I want to fuck the artist's self-insert though

You can't fuck them, even with R18 patch.
You can watch the main character fucks them, though.

I dont know the names, whos the flattest?

My waifu maple for life.

Is this a porn series or no?


>tfw you will never have a GF to cosplay fuck as vanilla.
Why is it girls who are into anime now just e-whores?
Also I hear Sayori is actually pretty cute.

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no shes not

How much gameplay is there in the vn? If I just want to look at sexy catgirls should I play it or watch the anime?

voted for my wife Chocola.

I can only afford buying 1 game. Which should I get? The two 2 girls look like my type

Please advice, thx

The two tall girls I meant

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>Chocola is losing

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>people voting for the dumb bimbo

at least Vanilla is second place, so some of you guys are alright.

I prefer the second game.
But you can start with 1 if you like the first two cats (Chocola, Vanilla).

Green haired loli, followed by brown haired loli

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didnt coconut win the last one?
and now shes winning this one?


best girl wins again

But I only want to spend on one game, I like purple and orange ribbon the most

which one is brain dead

>Coconut in the center of the picture.
Based Sayori.

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best butt

Can I fug the green haired one?
pls respond, Ill buy your game this instant if so.

if you wanna go to jail, go ahead

shes not in the games so no


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Why add a loli if I can't fuck her. FUCK.

Can I fug the rightmost one at least then?

>muh fbi memes
2D is legal

>your sister
not only no but HELL NO
and sayori knows people want it but she just says fuck you

I think you should pick the Vol.2 (purple ribbon is the main character in that game).

>Followed by Vanilla
pretty good taste

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Thx user, I'll do just that, and orange ribbon is 3 main character i suppose ?

Fucking hell fgsfds.
Let me guess, center flat delicious one is also your sister so you can't fug her.
Fuck this """""""erotic VN"""""".

no you can fuck her actually

I think it's the same poll. Look at the date of when it was made.
OP a fag.

Whoever the smallest and flattest girl is best girl.

good taste

calm down autist

Yeah she is. But she is also a lesbo.

Ugh... ok...

Shigure, of course.
Barring that, Vanilla.

>Didn't even bother to create a new poll

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Cacao is way too young to be lewded even in the 2D zone