Where my left-handed bros at?

where my left-handed bros at?

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lefties are dumb freaks

I'm left-handed and I use my right hand to mouse

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I'm left handed but I use mouse and keyboard like a right handed person would.
I don't get why you wouldn't to be honest, there is nothing about the mouse that requires it to inherently be used with your dominant hand.

I used to as well, but I switched recently and now my aim is quite a lot better

ambidextrous race reporting in, enjoy your carpal tunnel plebs

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i used to left hand mouse like a retard but i was lucky enough to not be fucked over entirely by my shitty genes so im not entirely 100% left handed and i was able to switch fast and become a ambi chad

that pattern looks like it would feel really annoying

I fucking wish
nearly every keyboard has both directional arrows and numpad on the right side instead of the left side for spreadsheets and 2D fighters and such

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I'm left-handed but use my mouse right-handed because that's how I learned in computer labs. I'm pretty sure it's the reason my aim is complete ass in shooters.

Sinister thread

You wish you were left-handed because the arrows and numpad are on the right?

I jerk off lefthanded from time to time.

Me too, though Im only left handed to write.

I use my left hand to jerk off. does that count?

leftie here. I unironically believe that it makes me better than most gamers

these also

The world is so badly designed when you are left handed

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it would make finding a keyboard much less painful is all

I usually switch to left hand for slower vidya like civ or xcom

I'm right handed but I'm fairly accurate with the mouse on my left, because that's what I do when I fap. And I've done A LOT of that over the years.

I'm left handed, and I rebind controls to P L ; ' as retarded as that sounds

custom keyboards exist rightlet

why not something like IJKL?

This. Only mutants use their mouse left handed.

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Right brain hemisphere = Explore = Left Hand
Left brain hemisphere = Actions = Right Hand

Left handed fags are inferior...and a disgrace to mother nature

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Also left handed. You are a fucking moron

I've tried IJKL for a while, but the shift and control keys are a bit to far for me that way. Instead, P L ; ' is the perfect flip of WASD

Protip: that is because you masturbate left handed.

name 1 instance where it actually matters and can't be easily fixed

lefties are subhuman scum and need to be purged before they spread their abnormality in the genepool

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imagine all the hand sweat buildup in between those little holes. Fucking disgusting.

>he doesn't like exploring

Just as well faggot guess Ill just fuck these island natives myself

This bad boy's been serving me for the past 8 years.
Protip: Move the keyboard all the way to the right if there is space so that your elbow will line with wasd for a more comfortable experience

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power tools in any blue colar job

Guns. Reloading, ejection ports and charging handles are a nightmare if you're a lefty.

Same. I also play guitar right handed. I instinctively grab things and write/draw with my left hand, but that's about it.
I never thought about it, but in regards to game controllers, would I do any better if I swapped inputs for the left and right trigger?

Not for me since I learned how to use a computer during the early dot com boom days, long before I started fapping.
>he doesn't fap using/alternating both hands.
You're missing out

>one advantage of being lefty is you can browse and fap at the same time
>throwing it away for this abomnation setup

Glad I never forced myself to use the mouse lefthanded.

but who was camera?

then I can't comfortably shitpost in the game chat

same goes for wojakniggers

based and satania pilled

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man even going to an ATM is anoying af

Left handed people are fine
Left politics people need to be exterminated