ITT: Games with Chad protagonists

ITT: Games with Chad protagonists

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>Your waifu gets vored by the Rat King and there is nothing you can do to save them
>The Rat King's lackeys will destroy much of the world if you take too long to kill them

Kind of a sad ending.

still mad

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I wasn't fucking ready for that when I played that game back then, I w actually cared about mai waifu so watching her fucking die like that with the X-ray and everything was brutally shocking.

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great, now I have to pick the fat bitch user

The art style on the remake looks absolutely awful. The original looks so charming

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Custer’s Revenge

Is the remake faithful to the original as far as the game goes? I've been wanting to play the game again but digging out my will and dusting that shit off sounds like a pain.

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Just emulate it or buy it on PC. preferably emulate.

Oh fuck that, I'm not even gonna fight the rat king if that's the gay ending

>Is the remake faithful to the original as far as the game goes?

Fuck wagies

Really? What did they change/fuck up? Screenshots make it look like they didnt change much apart from the graphics.

Stay the fuck away from the remake. The original is way better


What the hell. I can understand anime-fieing soemthing that doesn't have that much of a unique style. But the diffrence is so drastic, it looks like one of the two is fanart

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they thought vita games need to be weeb in order to sell on the vita

How bad we taliking, "easily ignorable in this day and age" or "If you don't buy them, get fucked"?

I feel like I'm the only person who actually likes the new art style. At least the original game hasnt gone anywhere.

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Fuck it, dumping these again.

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Attached: 2 shizuka.png (810x590, 250.67K)

Attached: 3 kokomo.png (810x590, 394.17K)

You should check to see if you can even get it. It has been removed from the US PSN.

It radically different in a bad way while still keeping something in ways that don't make sense. For example, cardboard stars still fall from the sky despite the sky is falling plotline being removed and the twist that the world is just a cardboard stage being removed as well.
Also, it's both a sequel and a remake somehow, and if that sounds like a bad idea, well guess what it is.

Attached: 4 bouquet and sakura.png (810x590, 337.83K)

Attached: 5 spumoni and amabile.png (810x590, 442.6K)

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>sky is falling plotline being removed and the twist that the world is just a cardboard stage being removed as well.
Is the final boss still Rat King?
Do you still need to choose a princess?
Do they still get eaten?

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Attached: 7 martel and corina.png (810x590, 296.26K)

You can get a harem end apparently. But the game is glitchy as fuck and runs like shit even compared to the original.

However it's probably better just fucking stopping the original game before getting on the flying machine because that ending is retarded regardless of how you try to make it nicer.

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The remake had you dumping all the princesses for your top tier secretary.

>runs like shit even compared to the original
Surely you're exaggerating, the original ran at a silky smooth 15fps at times.

least it didn't crash or be buggy as fuck

No. It some jester looking dude called the Devil King. Who is trying to turn your dream into a nightmare. Whichever girl you pick in the final battle is the one you will see when you wake up to the real world.

I never even played this game and the remake characters posted in this thread have me upset
Especially this bullshit

Anime was a mistake

At least is an improvement. Maybe not design-wise but considering you were supposed to care about them, no-one chose tubby custard as anything other then a sacrifice to save their actual princess in the final fight.

wasnt there a updated and fixed native steam port?

>At least (You) is an improvement.
No taste faggots like you's opinions are irrelevant.

the steam port is fucking horrible apparently

If you want to stick your dick in a tub of lard then go for it but don't pretend your opinion isnt shit.
Princess Apricot is the best princess.

They talking about the vita reimagining, which thankfully stayed on the vita.

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>Princess Apricot is the best princess.

I know it was extremely buggy at first. I remember it getting patches but I don't know if it fixed anything.

I remember people liking her as well. It's always good to have variety instead of anime waifu #542, which was the worst part of the remake.