So I understand the Whispers exist to enforce the planet's intended timeline by intervening to course-correct...

So I understand the Whispers exist to enforce the planet's intended timeline by intervening to course-correct deviations.
I don't understand why the deviations are occuring in the first place.
An example, why did Avalanche decline to hire Cloud in this timeline but not the original?
Is a time traveling future Sephiroth's interferences creating butterfly effect deviations in seemingly unconnected occurences?
Is the original timeline simply a projection and the deviations the inaccuracies?
Is there no reason at all, and the narrative only makes sense on a meta level?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Is there no reason at all, and the narrative only makes sense on a meta level?
This is my bet.
I bet SOMEONE is just salty about not being able to make his Versus 13.

>I don't understand why the deviations are occuring in the first place.

I haven't read the ultimania book, so I don't know if it was solidly answered, but I assumed it had something to do with the lifestream since Aerith and Sephiroth seem to be the only two with clear knowledge of the future and both existed in the lifestream after the events of the first game and AC

This chart might be helpful to you

Attached: ff7ultimania whispers change.jpg (695x1573, 277.17K)

I need more Tifa in Cloud's outfit please

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>I don't understand why the deviations are occuring in the first place.
My theory is that the deviations are just natural deviations. And that the planet itself makes sure that every timeline goes like the OG.
Like for example, Zack survival. The ghosts were there to watch over Zack in case he survives.

Nomura going to Nomura?

And yeah, those pics of

This is exactly what I don't get though.
It says the Whispers intervened to stop Cloud from killing Reno, but what made Cloud decide to kill him in the first place?What was the reason that the church scene to unfolded differently this time?

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Butterfly effect from Aerith and Sephiroth, I assume. One of the two dicked with the timeline early on and it set off a chain of differences. It would have happened even before Chapter 2, unless Shinra blowing up their own reactor is a retcon instead of a deviation

>It says the Whispers intervened to stop Cloud from killing Reno, but what made Cloud decide to kill him in the first place?
Aerith revealing too much info.
In the original they didnt go agressive on each other (cloud and reno) and they were just like "oh ok you are a turk, oh yeah he looks weird reno, what do we do". In the remake, aerith talks too much and reveals that cloud not only its her bodyguard, but a soldier. Reno makes a joke, cloud gets angry and triggers a fight that shouldnt have happen.

>but what made Cloud decide to kill him in the first place?
in the OG there wasn't a boss battle. Cloud wasn't in a position to kill him because there was no fight. they ran.

>What was the reason that the church scene to unfolded differently this time?
Interference from Sephiroth/Aerith changing things slightly, probably causing a butterfly effect. Characters arriving a little too soon/late to areas and events, causing the interactions between characters to go slightly different, causing the whispers to interfere.

So do the whispers imply there are multiple time lines were there can be small differences but whispers ensure main events still occur?

>So do the whispers imply there are multiple time lines were there can be small differences but whispers ensure main events still occur?
We dont have the bigger picture yet. We'll have to wait for bugenhagen to go deeper into the whisper stuff. Once he says rambling about the will/cries of the planet and the whispers, and how "something must be annoying the planet that makes them attack directly", we will have our answer.

>Apparently the planet is super sentient and has knowledge of the past, present, and future.
>Sends time ghosts to "maintain" it

But shouldn't the end result lead to Seph's defeat? Why interfere at all? Unless they're setting up multiple games just have you lose in the end.

>eyes wrong color
As an artist aren't you supposed to be detail oriented?

Okay I got it. So all the deviations the Whispers have to correct can be traced directly to an interference by future Aerith or future Sephiroth.

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aerith and sephiroth are screwing everything and its just butterfly effect.

It's a butterfly effect from Sephiroth's interfering with the timeline, causing the whispers to extend deviations beyond the initial events. Their presence to correct the timeline causes the very deviations they're trying to avoid because Aerith can see them and pass on that ability to others, so Cloud and friends react to their presence and do different things than they would initially.

The Whispers are also not exactly helping matters by only showing glimpses of bad scenes and presumably bad scenes, so the characters can only figure that this is genuine bad shit that will occur in the future if they don't change it, and don't understand how these scenes play into the overall narrative. They don't know that Aerith's death allows her to commune with the Lifestream, they don't know that Meteor is stopped, they don't know that Red XIII and his kids happens in the far far future after the conflict is resolved. All they know is from what they can see: "Big meteor", "Aerith dies", and "Destroyed Midgar". So they assume the timeline the Whsipers are trying to enforce is hot garbage and fight for their own destiny, because FUCK being fated to die and lose and let the planet get destroyed.

Is it actually Sephiroth or is Jenova?

They're trying to interfere because Sephiroth himself is interfering. The party unintentionally walks right into Sephiroth's hand by fighting against the Whispers, ensuring he and they can create a new timeline where possibly the Planet dies. Sephiroth is manipulating everybody, including his past selves and the Whsipers, to ensure there are no gatekeepers to stop his plan from failing this time.

It may be that time doesn't exist in the lifestream, which leads me back to my theory about seph/aerith being the only knows who know what's happening because they were in it.

>But shouldn't the end result lead to Seph's defeat?
Yes, which is why the whispers want to maintain the events that occured in the OG.
>Why interfere at all?
Because seph and aerith were causing things to happen differently
> Unless they're setting up multiple games just have you lose in the end.
The whispers are dead now so anything can happen.

>I don't understand why the deviations are occuring in the first place.
Thank Ubisoft and their 3 parts plan.
You played FFVIIR Part 1. The beginning, a teasing of what's to come in terms of actual storyline in the Part 2, that will culminate in its Part 3.

I don't think distinct timelines exist until a character with power over the Lifestream uses it's atemporal nature to influence a past event. Doing so creates a new timeline branching from that point.

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Jenova is not a sentient being. Sephiroth is the dominant personality using the Jenova biomass for his own ends, though I'm pretty sure their goals are mostly in alignment.

The question we've all been asking since 1997.

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>Is it actually Sephiroth or is Jenova?
choose wisely

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Fun fact: if you choose Aerith over tifa in scenes where there is a choice, the scene where cloud hugs tifa changes to Aerith telling cloud that he shouldn’t fall in love with her. I assume because she is zack’s bitch.

>the Whispers exist to enforce the planet's intended timeline
>that the planet itself makes sure that every timeline goes like the OG.
there's a huge plot hole with this premise before you even look at the events of 7R.
since the planet controls the time jannies, why do they just watch to make sure the events of FF7 unfold properly? it would make a lot more sense if they proactively protected the planet. for example: they could've killed anyone who tried to build a mako reactor. or they could've destroyed jenova before humans found her.

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There's also a scene with Cloud and Barret there too.


nomura is gay for sephiroth so it's probably sephiroth

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