Its another microsoft shoots itself in the foot before the next gen even starts episode

>its another microsoft shoots itself in the foot before the next gen even starts episode

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What did they reveal?


Their only shot in the foot was not highlight the fact they WERE showing exclusive games.

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I thought they showed some pretty cool trailers, the show was lacking gameplay but aside from that it was good
What was the issue here?
both those games look great and they're on PC that's all I need

>throw away the momentum they gained during the latest months right before the main event in june
Bravo Phil Spencer

How did the bullshots look?

>exclusive to series x
>also on PC
that's not how it works

>trying to push the narrative that xbox isn't doa

I brought this just in case the ratings become disabled.

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160k people didn't like the first of 10 xbox videos containing their least anticipated games, they're doomed

90% of console fags don't care about PC
Also MS has said all of their exclusives are also coming to pc

Is that the fucking controller

What the fuck is xbox marketing doing. I totally missed that they were exclusive

you stole that joke from the other thread

nothing that didn't feel like it couldn't be done current gen.

Your mom shot herself in the foot you fucking sonygroid tranny piece of shit

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So when Sony reveals nothing as well, will everyone suck their dick regardless?

That's the xbox adaptive controller for cripples, it can plug in additional third party stuff for more ways to control shit

Honestly I am kind of surprised it never got any switch support, I would have expected both nintendo and xbox to be all over that

Are we saw this isn’t a Zig Forums prank?

Amazing how they fucked this up while Sony is being silent.

>So when Sony reveals nothing as well, will everyone suck their dick regardless?
So Zig Forums?

How do I know this isn't salty sonybros angry that the new xbox is more powerful?

The Yakuza game looked interesting. Then the guy picked up a magic baseball bat. WTF?!

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How exactly did they shoot themselves? Why is everyone disliking the stream? did they expect some E3 presentation?

Yeah that really threw me off

Stop trying to turn this into another Xbone reveal, this is not even remotely close to that shitshow. They made it pretty clear that the bulk of their reveals will only be done in july and these were mostly just teasers to what expect on the XseX.

I didn't think it was that bad until they started showing a bunch of who-gives-a-fuck e-celebs.

you know why, opposition fanboyism

>Why is everyone disliking the stream?
Because most of the people watching were there for ass creed, they showed a cinematic trailer and then tried to convince us it was a gameplay trailer despite it not having any gameplay

How new are you?

Really? Who the fuck cares about Asscreed?

The only company that can do an event these days without a 50/50 like/dislike ratio is fucking Nintendo, and that's because their fanbase is incestuous and well trained.

What the hell are you expecting when the only thing ms can brag about is the gamepass

people buy console as alternative to PC retard.both are different markets.

Casuals, extreme casuals who grew up on odyssey.

How are people like you on Zig Forums? Holy fuck. Shoot your fucking selves.

Not gameplay.

>the show was lacking gameplay, but what's the issue?
You already said it yourself. The title of the video, and the intro literally says they are presenting gameplay, except there's no gameplay.

I think it's literally just that there's no gameplay, despite the point of the video being to show gameplay.

Nintendo is too proud to use anyone else's technology. It's possible they'll try to make cripple-friendly controllers themselves. But if they do, it'll be years from now, and they'll function like shit.

Honestly I'm never buying a console for exclusives again. Nothing is exclusive anymore.

>Trash games
>No gameplay, all trailers.
>Only AAA game was Assassins Creed Vikangz and it looks shit.
Hahaha! Holy shit what a disaster.

I don't care about ass creed and even I was upset, I actually thought a lot of the games they showed looked really interesting buy lying to our faces like that soured the whole thing, instantly took the presentation from a 7/10 to a 3/10 for me

Expect: Gameplay
Got: Trailers and Engine demos

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If you want Exclusives buy a PC.
I'm a console fag and I've noticed both Xbox and PlayStation eventually release major exclusives on PC.

All my life I wanted to be a gangster with a magic baseball bat. (Do wop music starts playing)

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Scarlet nexus is probably like 2 and a half a's

if they centred the whole thing on these two it would have been a better presentation

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Symphogear game when?

Yes and? Xbox series x will be sold at a loss, just like any other console. Microsoft did the right thing by making those games available on windows 10 too, its more profitable for them because they wont overproduce their consoles this way. Same reason why sony exclusives end up on pc, only this time sony doesnt own a pc gaming platform.

Xchads always win.

Hey snoy niggers, why don't you go back and play the tranny of us part 2, I mean it appeals to the tranny nigger low test faggot that is the ps4 fanbase of course

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Why would you expect gameplay? They never fucking show gameplay. Sony does it occasionally. The only people I expect gameplay from is Nintendo

No. Sony will get shit on too.
Stop pretending this wasn't a complete fuck up.

>More shooty mcpewpews and doom n' gloom cinematics
Gee I wonder why Microsoft shat the bed again

Sorry, too busy playing FF7R and Dragons Crown Pro.

the medium looks interesting
and it has akira yamaoka on OST, what's not to like?

>images (3)

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Ohh! We got a magical Babe Ruth ova 'ere!

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Well when the title of your presentation is called "First Look at Xbox Series X Gameplay", you kinda expect oh I don't know, some gameplay?


There's no bullshots because there was no gameplay

Shit nigga.
Boss man tried to dun woop me so I got ma bat nigga.

Tranny games, like you

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>Title is gameplay reveal
>95% people talking
>Title is gameplay reveal
>bunch of trailers with IN GAME FOOTAGE (aka the engine this game has can potentially render this)
>Title is gameplay reveal
>That's for watchin!

Oh I guess there was that one unity looking indie game...

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