No Man's Sky

This games meta story is based and worthy.

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comfy space trucking

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weird moon

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Comfy everything bro.

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unironically yes, but they still lied to consumers so they can go suck an alien cock

C'mon bro at least they are trying to fix their game. Considering how small a dev they are, they've done an amazing amount if you compare it to launch.

unironically better than elite and scam citizen

yeah, poor artemis
but when's the new content?

You mean menu simulator 2014 right?

No idea. Soon hopefully.

I let Artemis go peacefully into the night. You?

Didnt follow the whole launching fiasco after the autistic hype and bought it last year when it was on sale.
I think it's now a really honest game

Eh, i thought it was hamfisted and tried too hard to be emotional, how the fuck should i feel emotional for a literal who alien or a triangle head robot that talk with me like 5 or 6 times, can't even call them friends yet the game forced me to call them friends. The Atlas story on the other hand, is pretty cool

>The Atlas story on the other hand, is pretty cool
That was kind of my point desu...

So I choose the "let the universe stay as it is" by accident.
Is there no way to redo that mistake and talk to Atlas?

t. forgave Todd for Fallout 76

ok zoomer

Do you mean when Atlas gives you a choice of the four galaxies?

If so yes, just talk to that interface again or hit the centre of galaxy and move on.

>liking a game with a throwback meta story is now zoomer
Nice projection post.

>build submersible
>next quest has you take sub to the other side of the very large planet

>and makes you go around an entire continent in the process because reasons

sometime this summer

But like, why didnt they just develop the game for 4 years instead?

Woudlve been infinitely better.

>nms thread


What's going to happen in the next update?

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>But like, why didnt they just develop the game for 4 years instead?

They said it would be their most ambitious update. I hope i can build more stuff, see titan tier alien monster and big alien citadel on planet instead of just small observatory, factory and settlement

X3 AP is the only good space game out there
Nothing even comes close

How good is VR? Been thinking about getting an Index can't wait for the 8 week wait

Hopefully they are working on the procedural aspect
Everything in the game could use a little variety
Where are volcanos, waterfalls, etc.. ?
Also they need to improve wildlife
Lastly, they should let us build empires, owning space station, faction system with wars and sheit

Don't know lad...
but I wish these would happen soon
>new biomes
>multi-biome worlds
>capital ship overhaul
>npc battles on planets
>story chapter 2
>new factions and system
>space station worlds (halo rings, the citadel ect.)
>Better trader and fighter side missions

Tips for making quick units?

>But like, why didnt they just develop the game for 4 years instead?
>Locked into a fairly hard date when they took the Sony marketing deal
>Not enough money to just make vidya for four more years without an additional revenue source

If you find ancient artifacts, or even ancient bones, you get big space shekels

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I really want it to have more depth. Minecraft in space is a very appealing concept that many games like StarForge tried but shit the bed. The combat needs to be overhauled and the enemy AI needs to be smarter. I suppose that would be asking too much from devs that literally gave back double or triple the promised content.

Fleet missions

Shitposting aside I blame that on Sony and the bullshit that is hype, I was hard on the game back then too but the state of the game currently REALLY speaks to how much the devs actually care about it more than marketing or corporate bullshit.

Being able to come out of your ship while in space with zero g and jetpack and sheit would be great

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The game just needs depth at this point. We need new things to discover and new things to fight.

>Lol why r u poor just grow some money
>Lol just hire more ppl
>Lol just-
It gets tiring after a while hearing the same retarded stuff being spouted when it's all evident and self explanatory.

how is the gameplay nowadays?

Space Engineers

I played it and I think it's shit, sorry user

Are you really gonna defend a giant corp with a fuckload of money ran by jap ultra boomers?

so its still shit?

>a giant corp

Hello Games isn't owned by Sony

not really, the game has actual content now and things to do so it's in a much better spot then it was when it released. It just needs more stuff now.

>Are you really gonna defend a giant corp with a fuckload of money ran by jap ultra boomers?
Hello Games not Sony mate.

Snoy wasn't going to up there budget. Fuck all they could do.

Crash the market. Buy all the cobalt in a 1 star system then get to a 3 stars system, sell all of it (around 2k to 3k cobalt) to lower the demanding price to -80%, then buy back in all of your cobalt and that system cobalt for a cheap dirt price then get to the next 3 stars system and do the same thing, rinse and repeat until you become a billionare

Hello games are literally indie devs, their not owned by Sony

Fix the performance you donkey.

scan for planets with either ancient bones or salvageable scrap. dig those up and soar to tens of millions in no time. after that you need to break into secure sites and get the blue prints for the advanced tech recipes where you make absolutely full retard money (literally billions) by just growing plants and refining them into high tech shit. you can also go to the nexus and unlock all the advanced automated mining stuff and harvest activiated indium all day and sell that but you have to some long distance traveling since you can crash economies very quickly and devalue it.

who /spacemilker/ here?
Unironically enjoy taming ayys and selling my dairy products

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I want something similar to Subnautica. Will this scratch that itch?

The story is boring and annoying. I can't even remember it as for almost the last (IRL) year I've just stayed in my local star system and surrounding systems mining, building bases, collecting s-class whatever, making units/nanites and doing weekend quicksilver missions to buy more stuff.

it's literally subnautica in space

I was going to ask the reverse of this.

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Definitely, current state of the game could net you around 100-120 hours if you rush the main story, 150-200 hours if you take it easy and explore all planet and unlock everything

>you are literally in a simulation, simulating the simulation of all known possibilities of the multi-verse, inside a rouge AI who as come to the conclusion the only right course of action is to undo reality itself
>boring and annoying

I love the two games for exactly the same reasons. And they both work wonderfully in VR with some mod help.

Im so fucking tempted to buy an index lads... but eye tracked rendering is going to be an absolute game changer and I know I should wait. Resolution and frame rates and go way up then so we get the specs needed to make it truly immersive.

>and explore all planet

Rest in peace to that user, he'll die playing NMS