You now remember that this was a thing

you now remember that this was a thing

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>skating down the streets of Boston at midnight, catching pokemon, hitting pebbles and flying off my board, catching pokemon with random bros and some people who may have been homeless
yep, it was kino

but it got weird like 2 months in to just see huge groups of people not talking to each other and just trying to catch a Lapras or something during a timed event, kind of took the magic away.

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It still is a thing, just not the levels of july-august of 2016

This game has almost made 5 billion dollars

If it had an actual battle system similar to the the pokemon games I would have been much more interested. I mean.. of all the times NOT to use a turn based battle system they used it on a laggy shitty phone game

Still catch shit from time to time, I never deleted it.

I'm "playing" it right now. There was a Kanto event this week, got a shiny Growlithe, Psyduck and Chamander

Uh... This game is now responsible for Pokémon being the biggest franchise in human history, you absolute retard. Not even pokémon cards and videogames combined came close to this shit.
This is why Masuda and Gamefreak stopped caring.

>an actual battle system similar to the the pokemon games
But that requires effort beyond a pokemon-skinned Ingress.

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They had to create the tap/swipe battle system anyway. No reason they couldn't just use the existing battle style from the games.

If everything that's in the game today (Go League and other PvP features, following Pokemon, Team Rocket, etc.) was actually added into the game during the first months after launch it would have been even bigger than before.

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I still have a worthless faggot of a friend that plays this nonstop.
No job, no girlfriend, 27, lives with his parents.
Asked him what he wants to do with his life, and he has no dreams or aspirations. No desires. No clinical depression, nothing.
Stupid faggot just plays games all day, eats candy, and only goes out to play pokemon go.
Piece of shit annoys me to no end, and I will always associate this game with him.

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Play it every day

i want to play it but it only has the original and premier balls right

fuck that

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You people really need to leave your bubble
This game is still plenty popular

Great balls and ultra balls are unlocked at later levels

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user does this end as a hentai

we've lost our humanity

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That was a fun summer but after that WHO CARES

And you're depressed irl.

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>blue holding my local like a fucking mafia
>spreading terror through Threats on the local messenger
>nightly patrols preparing gyms for early blue workers
>obese local celebrity going gym to gym in their car to save time
>me leaving all gym neutral after nightly or early takeover to spread fear over spoofers taking over
Yeah this game is shit I genuinely wish game freak didn't gave Niantic so much freedom

I recently logged on and found I was banned. I have no clue why, I never cheated.

I hated that. People bumping into each other (not literally even if that existed) and just saying stupid shit like they didn't feel like talking. WHO ARE THE REAL SPERGS NOW, NORMALFAGS! CAN'T HANDLE A LITTLE CHIT-CHAT???!! I THOUGHT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE THE SOCIAL ONES!

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take your meds

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Something tells me there are some missing

>entire way to find pokemon breaks for a month+
>their fix was to remove it
>it stayed like this for a few more months
it's impressive how hard they shit the bed with this game and how quickly it died due to their incompetence
rest in piss

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the pvp battle system (opposed to the gym battle system) has a fair amount of depth but most of it comes into play before the battle even starts: picking your pokemon's stats, selecting which two moves it'll have, and your teams coverage and resist based on your types and your move types. in the actual battle you have your two shields, shield baiting using your two (2) moves, and switching your pokemon which you can do once every minute or so. You basically win or lose before the battle starts but if you're pretty even you can use finesse to eek out a victory. It's pretty exciting, not going to lie.

This. It was just "gotta catch-em all" without anything else

I started playing it daily again last summer. Not sure why