Why didn't you buy it?

You all have been asking for this Shenmue 3 game for years and when you finally get it, you don't buy it. Why do you think game companies never listen to you?

Attached: shenmue-3---button-2019-1563398805350.jpg (1024x1024, 199.96K)

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>Ends on another cliffhanger

I still have to finish 2 so my perspective is limited, but still going with the slow paced "part 3 of 20 parts" story progression despite the uncertain future the series faces just feels like flawed thinking to me

This one's on your pal Tim lads, download it as much as you want

because shenmue is shit

I donated the charity and was promised a free copy when released. Look how that turned out

SEGA already began porting the Yakuza series, so we don't need boomer proto-yakuza anymore

I bought it on release day. It was amazing. One of the best games I've played in ages.

But Yu Suzuki is a greedy jew for not wrapping up the story. This was his opportunity to conclude everything. He didn't do it.
Oh well. Still a phenomenal game. Maybe we'll get a Shenmue 4 in another 20 years.

it was on game pass and i still didn't play it

This. Yakuza is literally Shenmue but better. Who the fuck wants to play Shenmue when the better game not only exists, but is on multiple platforms now? Or at least the ones that matter

Shenmue was never good.

Nobody that actually played a Shenmue game asked for that.

No steam no buy

I gave up after the Epic scam, but it it any good? I loved 1 and 2 but this one seems like just a shitty cashgrab.

I did, and for the most part I liked it. But I really wish that the story was faster paced and went more interesting places like Shenmue 2 did, this felt more like the training chapter than anything.

>PS2 graphics
>Epic exclusive

>You all have been asking for this Shenmue 3 game for years
No i didn't.

>why didn't you buy it?
Jewish anticonsumer decisions.
Deep Silver.
Breaking promises.
Epic Games Store Exclusive.
Refusing refunds.
Looks like fucking shit.
Took too long to release.
Hype absolutely vanished entirely.
Don't care anymore.

I bought it for ps4.
And I genuinely enjoyed it.
I played for 45 hours aprox, maxed up all skills, but didnt bought every jacket there was to get.

I immersed myself in this world of Martial arts, the tournament in the second city carried my experience to new heights and eventually the game ended. It didn't moved the story one inch, but i'm glad the creator was able to bring this to us as the story is very incomplete yet but at least it didnt stayed only at 2.
I dont know what to tell u Zig Forums but I really enjoyed my time with the game.

Definitely not for everyone, but then again, a shitload of people play and enjoy animal Crossing

Attached: s3.jpg (539x960, 76.41K)

>PS2 graphics

Seriously though, these visuals are BARELY base Xbox 360 level. Graphics aren't everything, but damn. When Shenmue came out it wowed people with the visuals.

I didn't buy it because I bought the Shenmue I and II remasters and the past 20 years of game progress made them unplayable.

didn't he say at some point that the story would take like 13 games to complete

Because it says "coming 2020" on steam. Wtf, man.

No, there are 13 chapters or 11 to his whole "Shenmue" story. But judging by Shenmue 3, it doesnt look like the story ends on Shenmue 4.
I'm sure he'll be realistic and finish the game in 4 or else he's risking that no one else will support him in the future to finish the series.

But they've been teasing that they're already working on 4.

you know the original script is asslong and it would be absolute shit for fans and not his initial script vision, were barely atc50 percent of story

According to Yu it seems like if there were to be a Shenmue 4, he'd adjust it to appeal to casual gamers, whatever that means.

Francis Ford Coppola's original vision for Apocalypse Now, was going to be hours longer than it turned out to be. He also wanted it to only be screened in at one theater in the world, so that people could travel to his movie theater to go see it, like it's the Grand Canyon or something.

Do you understand my comparison? His idea was fucking nuts. Sometimes, the reality is that you need to compromise in life, so that your projects are a little bit more realistic.

I dont want to download another launcher for one game.

Why? Why would he fucking do this? Shenmue is supposed to be his masterpiece and he wants to water it down to appeal to casual gamers? What is this world?

Ok, I brought it from the epic game store. The menu looks like it is straight out of 1999.

He probably wants to move onto other games, but it seems like he wants to be in business. Deep Silver's parent company noted in an earnings report that it did "fine", but they basically accepted that it's a niche title.

Shenmue 1 came out in 1999, and it had a nicer menu than 3.

My nolstalgia for Shenmue consisted of going to the arcade and playing Space Harrier for the entire in game day. I don't think I ever even got into a fight.

I was a huge Shenmue fanboy back in the day but this shit... this shit looks like a fan made upgrade of shenmue 2.

I got into shenmue because of it's amazing graphics and new gameplay concepts. This shit doesn't give me the same feels as shenmue 1 or 2 gave me. The game looks like a goddamn korean MMO.