
Tifa! Yes! Tifa!
Don't you just love her, Zig Forums?

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she got some nice lips

> Another 'faggot' buy our game thread.

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>le everyone with good taste is a 'shill'

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Calling this flat chested overly thirsty wench 'good tastes' is beyond idiotic.

And we get 20 of these threads a day all following the same responses and postings.

More red flags than a china communist pep rally

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NuTifa does look and acts retarded.
but the internet will jazz her up. Just like with everything.

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>And we get 20 of these threads a day all following the same responses and postings.
And you dweebs seethe in all of them.

Inb4 jannies delete a potential comfy Tifa thread.

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They won't dare.

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Way too muscly here. Should be cut at most, not ripped.

How about we talk about gameplay then? For me, it's Tifa's True Strike.

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Do you think Tifa could kick Cloud's ass if she wants to and he doesn't have his sword?

the lip sync looks so awful


Hmm...does he have any form of martial arts training?

Lads, how do you think pic related will play out?

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For me, it's Unbridled Strength x1

I find it's more efficient to just keep firing off Omnistrikes personally especially if staggered.

I was really hoping this game would allow you to unlock more buffs through manuals or weapons etc. and keep up to Unbridled Strength x7 or something, the trade-off being you had to take the time and ATB to keep getting to higher charges.

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Got brought up in a previous thread, but how would Tifachads feel about a beat-em-up spinoff made by Platinum? Would love to see that happen.

I love Tifa but I don't have a PS4 to play FFVIIR. I hope we have threads when the PC release comw out.

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I suppose they might cut it. Catfight is hot, but that scene was pretty cringe tbqh.


>flat chested
are you blind

Don't feed the trolls, user.

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Unbridled Strength is definitely what I go for first at the start of the battle, but I prefer not to use it up with omnistrike. Which is exactly why I like true strike, it's basically a stronger omnistrike except you don't have to go through unbridled strength's animation to use it again. I always go for chi level 3 but usually I don't go through the entire combo because it's like over 10 hits.

Lol, whenever I hear someone saying "more jiggle physics otherwise it's censorship!" they don't realise that if they took their coomer glasses off for one second how fucking hilariously comical and silly this shit can get if you don't make accounts for the scenes and situations.

Sure if you program jiggle physics and she twists her torso it might look hot, but if she's on a shaking surface it's going to be hilarious.

Imagine if she did this in her regular outfit. All the attempt they made to set the tone and weight of the scene through all that buildup and storytelling would be gone when you start laughing.

I would definitely be interested but I would prefer if it doesn't feel like a typical hack n slash where there's loads of combos to memorize. I like the simplicity, but it can definitely be more than what she can do it remake since it would be centered around her.

Lemme know when the big tiddy nude mod comes out

Wait for the PC.

I like the idea of either of the following:
>Scarlet slaps Tifa, Tifa simply spin kicks her.
>Scarlet is actually some martial arts master, have a 1 on 1 fight, which ends with them both exhausted and ending up in a slap fight.

I have to post in this based thread as it will probably get nuked in a few minutes by mass reporting autists
Stay strong tifabros and aerithbros

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Last Order Tifa is fucking based, never understood the hate.

Tifa is love

One bra + One sports bra + one tank top

Do we understand how a woman's body functions??

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Thread theme: youtube.com/watch?v=R_nCFeu_sgA

Let's have a comfy one lads.

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Never understood why either, it was a short fan service ova that came along advent children and it was pretty comfy, it's really cool how all the characters from it have the same voice actors even do this day, except for reno of course

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