Mega Man X

This series is the single biggest stain on the Mega Man franchise. It is a complete blight that stains the IP and poisons Mega Man discussion wherever you go looking for it. The fans of this series are the embodiment of autism, they bask in deviantart cringe and if any exist with an IQ above room temperature I haven't found them.

Mega Man X is completely devoid of conscious level design. After the first two games platforming is basically nonexistent, and even the first two shift more towards a combat focus than the classic series. But MMX doesn't even do combat well! Unlike the Zero series, abilities which alter the 2D combat are simple, few and far between. Enemies are not placed with any thought and they just flood the screens to pester you and be swept away. Any sort of stage hazard is made a joke with air dashes, flying, wall clinging, you name it. This is a series for fucking retards and the only thing good it's ever contributed is an entirely different subseries.

Even the music isn't as good as people make it out to be beyond the first two games, with most of the good tracks in latter games being remixes rather than original pieces. Not only that but these games are fucking ugly eyesores after X3 and the character designs were never as good as the classic series to begin with. A lot of the mavericks have a palette of 5+ clashing, conflicting colors and a bunch of nondescript lights, orb, spikes, ridges, holes, and whatever else all over their body just because. They're overdesigned and look like shit 9 times out of 10.

What the FUCK do people see in this series?

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ok retard

>What the FUCK do people see in this series?
Wall jumping and dashes are based

Not an argument.

The MMZ series has those and is indescribably better at playing to the strengths of a combat-oriented sidescroller than the X series.

MMX as a series is definitely overrated and there's a lot of nostalgia factoring in when people discuss these games, yes.
That being said they're not as bad as you're making them up to be.

>not an argument

Nobody wants to write a fucking book replying to your rant on a thread that won't exist for another 30 minutes. Congratulations, you proved MMX sucked undisputably. Feel good as your thesis goes to nothing.

>it’s a Zerofag
Oh, that explains it.

X1 and X2 is better than most classic MM games that being said the rest in pretty underwhelming

Keep in mind this is just continuing off from the original series, which by six games is already stagnating.


Classicfag actually. I'm only in the process of playing through the Zero games for the first time but Zero 1 alone is easily better executed than the later X games. And mind you X1 on SNES was my first ever Mega Man game, then I proceeded to play them all on the 6th gen collection when I was younger. There's no bias here.

Reminder that ZX collection flopped hard.

I like the armor gimmick. Before it got a bit crazy anyway. X6 was kind of getting retarded with acquiring armor, and worse when the falcon and samurai armor were useless and only ninja armor was good for X, and even that just made him a Zero clone with no specials except spike immunity.

>Zero 1 alone is easily better executed than the later X games.
Not with that level design, those grindy abilities, and those Cyber Elves.

>Source: my ass

So what's your favorite MMX game?

ok retard

Tie between X1 and X4. I also have a soft spot for X8 despite its various problems.

Attached: X8.jpg (1884x2476, 1.35M)

And the Z series came when the X series had like 6 games

I have great memories of 4. Played it at my cousin's house when I was young. He even told me the boss order that I still follow to this day.

Just wait one more day.

>Level design
Some of the enemy placement is rough but the levels demonstrate a much more focused effort to compliment the game's combat abilities than the majority of the X series, and many of them become a blast to run through when you get competent at using the weapons/abilities in different ways.

>Grindy abilities
Fair, but is X-series backtracking any better than this? It's a contentious point I forgot to bring up, I heavily dislike the mandatory backtracking in the X games if you want all the goodies.

>Cyber Elves
Yeah fuck cyber elves actually. The concept seems cool but beyond that it feels like a wasteful mechanic since the game punishes you for using them with a lower rank.


>8 games (11 if you count the extras)
>Only 2 are worth playing
You'll never see an Xfag defend games like X3 and X5

>The fans of this series are the embodiment of autism, they bask in deviantart cringe
Well at least you got one thing right.

Friendly invitation

This, X1 and X2 are the pinnacle of mega man platforming and gameplay.

X-X3 is peak Megaman. X4 is alright, but it's also the beginning of the decline. Luckily enough all four are included in the first collection, safely allowing you to ignore the second.

X, X2, X4 and more than two.

So your source really was your ass then. Thanks for confirming retard

>Fair, but is X-series backtracking any better than this? It's a contentious point I forgot to bring up, I heavily dislike the mandatory backtracking in the X games if you want all the goodies.
Way better than the god-awful ranking system. Want a new ability? Just beat the boss. Want a new ability in Zero? Sorry, but you gotta earn that ranking first.



Best game in the series:
>keeps things simple as they should be
>adds the slide
>has a great variety of challenging stages
Megaman 2 may take the fame but this is the one that consolidated the franchise.

Attached: Rockman3.jpg (1065x1309, 641.19K)

>Want a new ability in Zero? Sorry, but you gotta earn it
And the Zero series proves itself to be the ultimate casual filter yet again

X5 oddly enough.

I'd agree if the Doc Robot stages weren't absolutely garbage

X2 but I have a soft spot for X3 SNES OST and coming up with new routes to 100%

she's in! (also mega and proto,fuck bass)

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X1 and X2

You don't have to get a rank higher than A which are easy to acquire though. I like being encouraged to be at least somewhat proficient. Zero 1 took me as long as it did because I refused to get lower than 90 on the missions on my first play. Guess this is a matter of opinion but I refer being directly rewarded for something like that over being forced to retread ground later in the game to pick up puzzle pieces and put them towards an ability



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>X series is the biggest blight
That’s not Legends, thankfully Capcom realized their mistake and axed it.

I have never been able to get in to this shit. I love classic MM. What did people see in X? Are they just autistic storyfags?

God I miss miiverse

It would be less of a problem if you didn’t get locked out of not playing the stages again.

Shit opinion.
This, what pointless padding, if anything MM3 is one the weakest of the NES games, 4 is easily better.

Well its not odd now that i think about it.
Best boss theme in an X game by far

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That and it adds bing bing wahoo shit

If you don't like dashing and wall jumping/sliding and later on, slashing niggers with Zero, you hate fun.

>What did people see in X?
Better gameplay than the original MM

What about the terrible mechanic of locking you out of stages if you fail them? There is no reason for that to exist in a video game. That and the fact that you have to grind for 30 minutes on spiders just so you have some abilities is bullshit. Nearly ever boss in Zero is killed in 4-5 hits and most of them can be manipulated easily. Mega Man is just a bad series. The lame boss rush at the end of each game is where I quit every time now. I'll stick to castlevania for tight controls and well designed levels.

I still like the mmx series

>Are they just autistic storyfags?
I hope not because I could write a better story for X than what's official if you gave me like 10 minutes. It is putrid diarrhea storywise too

The only shitty mainline Mega Man games are X6, X7 and Zero 1.

The X series is my least favorite of them but that's mostly because it's the most inconsistent, with high highs and low lows. Its best entries absolutely make a case for itself as a variant of Classic more focused on the run and gunning than precision platforming, this thread is acting like its a 2D character action game when it absolutely wasn't. It prioritizing speedy platforming, cool setpieces and exploration more than 1v1 combat.

Their story is also a joke but who really cares?

>Mega Man is just a bad series
why did you come to the thread of an IP you don't care about to argue in bad faith user

How fucking retarded are you

>What about the terrible mechanic of locking you out of stages if you fail them?
You mean that mechanic that exists only in the first game?

Because I just played Zero again and I remembered why I hated it.

>Zero 1
It’s rough around the edges but by no means bad. Fuck X6 and X7 though.

>It prioritizing speedy platforming
The problem is there is hardly any platforming in the X series. Most of the time when there's a platforming hazard thrown into a level it's completely trivial or, in the case of X6, it's bullshit designed by a schizophrenic. You genuinely get better "speedy platforming" by playing as Bass in Rockman & Forte and MM10.