Why haven't you become a game dev?

Why haven't you become a game dev?

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Id rather play games

>working at Naughty Dog
fucker might as well have gotten a Purple Heart

I'd never live in California

Why are the alt-right chuds too stupid to make videogames?

Not a slave.

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I have, but I picked a shitty team who missed all the agreed-upon deadlines, and have now given up.

Entertainment is a shit industry.

because I have no talent

Because I suck at everything

I hated him in MM, what a pathetic weasel.

I wish someone could photoshop "kenneled" into "knotted"

The entirety of japanese game development and eastern european development who are mkstly rightwing blow the absolute fuck out of shitty leftie western devs

I applied to my favorite studio just last night, but I don't expect to hear back from them soon due to the lockdown, if ever. I gotta make this work, bros.
>mum's gonna kick me out at 24

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>Here, Jonathan. An award worth $10. You earned after years of us abusing you
absolutely based

Because he sucks at everything

sftu retard no one cares, stop feeding the mongoloid

What does Neil druckmann do? Does he help build the game and deal with mechanics or does he just write the story ?

>calling their employees dogs
>referring to the job as "the doghouse"
The joke writes itself.

director and writer

what trophy did they give to amy after druckmann used his vile jew sorcery to banish her from the company

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>sat at a computer all day in a soulless office
>80-90+ hour weeks
>zero social life
>shit pay
>insufferable woke politics
>literally surrounded by autists
It sounds like my idea of hell

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Whats your favorite studio user?

I am. arthritis just makes it tricky sometimes

In video games , does that mean be does that mean he directs level design? Does he come up with, they'll be x enemies in this area and you'll have y weapon ?

Ah yes, the extremely right messages found in japanese games like NATURE GOOD and RELIGION/CHRISTIANITY BAD.

Wow what a special trophy. That trophy must mean a lot. It really shows how much they care about their employees that they would go out of their way to make a trophy like that. Fuck Neil Druckman

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I thought he redeemed himself by the end honestly or at least was on the path to. He realized that the city is a disease and made the worst parts of himself come to the surface.

>Work somewhere five years
>Congrats on being in the doghouse for five years!
>Kenneled since 2014

Kek, you couldn't pay me to work at Naughty Dog with NEIL KEKMANN and his garbage SJW team.