ITT: Fanbases you feel sorry for

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Joel gets what he fucking deserves

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None. I hate everybody who is a fan of anything I deem not good and I hate everyone who has the wrong opinions about things that I deem myself a fan of.

Don't feel sorry for Bethesdrones, they are the lowest subhuman scum that has ever existed

>white girl


hi Neil, hows that Sony paycheck treating you?

OI! I am a bethesdadrone too! I have all fallout funkopops and shit. And I kinda liked Fallout 76 but jesus christ Bethesda is going a rabbit hole and instead of ending up in wonderland they are going to end up broke.

I have way too much hope in TES6.

Just cause it happens doesn't mean everyone with a dog is like YMSdotorg you sick fuck coomer


Ellie gets her revenge tho

Will it be worth it Zig Forums? Will you feel sastisfaction upon killing abby? It wont bring joel back to life

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stop trying to fit in so hard, its embarrassing

Zig Forums

Stop being transphobic or I'll beat your fucking skull in

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TF2 :(

Why would you feel sorry for TLOU fanbase? I'm saying this as someone who enjoyed TLOU1 but for fucks sake, the amount of ludicrous praise for a polished, horror-shooter was insane. It was the same for Bioshock. I heard it was a masterpiece and all I got a cool shooter with powers and cool story. Now those people I do actually kinda pity since Infinite took such a meaty shit on them and they STILL liked it.

Hey, at least you people aren't Silent Hill fans.

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I feel really bad for the Thief fanboys, generally awesome games with lore worth discussing but fucking no threads that go past 100 replies


Gay people are way over-represented in gaming and it is sickening.

genuine nintendo fans because they have to share their favorite company with its cult following

I remember this much moaning and whining when Aerith died too, now people are making death threats to square if they keep her alive.

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Imagine accidentally spoiling the ending to your big AAA release after you just had a huge leak happen. Why is Naughty Dog so incompetent?

Is it true that ND designed these "women" so they don't offend trannies or increase tranny "acceptance"? Because that thing looks like no woman I have ever seen.

I know one guy who devotes almost all time he plays to this one series he's finished it with every character Max has the best weapons in the game but still keeps playing at I honestly can't see what he finds fun in it brain-dead writing unfunny dialogue shit missions and awful driving Borderlands is legitimately shit I feel sorry for you if you think it's good


Forgot pic lol

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>I have all fallout funkopops and shit
This is bait, right?

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any console fanbase
you guys are basically just shilling for free and eating whatever they put on your plate

it's a shame it got leaked early desu

I feel sorry for myself

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Fans of Infinite and OG Bioshock are a separate group apart.

>killing a child without their consent
bud, Joel was right, THEY HAVE VIOLATED THE N.A.P.

Look at the size of that fucking hand, looks like André the Giant

>Joel and Ellie's story
>Joel highlighted
Normies still arent aware