Why do we hate this again?

Why do we hate this again?
The only real issues I had with the game was that it was too easy compared to the mainline megaten games and story pacing issues. Also pricing and DLC greediness but I think that's more of a fuck Fatlus kind of think.

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i don't hate it but i'll wait for the price to drop. maybe to $20.

Except I don't hate it?

I started P5R on normal thinking it will be like P3 level. Boy was I wrong. I bumped it up to hard and its still easy enough to just rush. I guess I should have played on merciless. Great game though. Really sad that I finished the story. Maybe I will replay it. But 110hours... Sucks being old.

Merciless is actually easier than hard for the most part

>every villian is garbage teir.
>Party conflicts are beyond vapid
>Easily the worst persona game if you take away the quality of life changes
>Style over substance

>sony exclusive so it makes n*ntoddlers beg and seethe
>royale not emulable so it makes pcfags beg, seethe and lose their saves
>attracts casuals and twitter/tumblr whales who don't even play the game so it makes other personafags seethe
>it actually gets games, sales and support instead of the rest of its dead franchise so it makes smtfags seethe
>lots of reading so it makes americans seethe
it's really easy when you think of it

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Why don't (you) kill yourself again?

Persona just brings out the worst in people in general, because there would by definition have to be something wrong with you to be interested in this series in the first place.

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this is why you fail user

I don’t hate it but it definitely has its fair share of issues, with the pacing being the worst offender.

They made the game way easier than the original too. You won't even see the battle screen in Mementos if you're a high enough level.

I played the original and royal and couldn't even tell what they changed that made this board whine so much lmao

It's not a bad game, its just that everything it does well was already done in Persona 3 or 4 with all the stuff that felt new to the game just seemed redundant and kinda boring.

I remember when P3 came out and everyone loved it. Innocent times. Before P4G. Now it's the kali yuga.

I sure am in the mood

Game is even easier than vanilla, story after kamoshida is mediocre, and I just didn't care for most of the characters (yet I still liked Yusuke and Ryuji). Definitely not worth $60 but I might pick it up anyway when the price goes down.

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I liked the base game a lot, but it doesn't sound like the added content is meaningful enough to justify buying it again

Like, if Kasumi and Akechi were incorporated into the main game as regular party members I probably would have bought it at release, but I'm not spending $60plustip to play the same game again (with some extra minor features) to get to an extra chapter shoved in at the end of the 100 hour story

I think a lot of differences in opinion stems from where people's priorities for what makes a game good divides their opinion over games in the series.
Story isn't super important to me in vidya so even paper thin excuses for advance plot isn't really an issue for me and the story beats and moments were fun enough to keep the story going despite days/weeks in the calendar of things not really going on.
Gameplay wise I don't see how any other Persona game even touches it. Between that, additions to core battle mechanics such as the traits system, actually having status effects matter, more combat customizability with fusion alarms and the Jazz Club skills along with having actual dungeons made the battling part way more fun aside from the previously mentioned issue of the game being too easy which is definitely true

I don't want to be that guy, but whenever P5 is a topic of discussion on this board, I always see complaints about it that mostly boil down to it not being on the Switch. This board was flooded for months with portbegging for the game and taunting Snoys about how the Switch was going to steal an "exclusive." Any other game on any other system and people would just suck it up and either never play it or get the money to buy the system to play the game. But when it comes to this one game, the idea of just sucking it up and buying a used PS4 Slim or something to play it is out of the question, and people lash out and shitpost despite not playing it.
No other game, no other system. I don't get it at all.

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Are there really faggots on this board that ONLY own a switch though?

>made The Reaper an endgame foe a fucking joke
>is braindead easy even in Merciless and forced tutorial/babysitting had gotten worse
>comically bad villains only salvaged by Maruki in the end
>writing is terribad and quickly falls apart after Kamoshida's
I enjoyed it and easily the most replayable nusona but eh it had a lot of issues

What you expect on nintendogaf. I only come here to make fun of tendies at this point, there's no real discussion here.

>Just got this as a gift
>No idea what to expect
>Hear that it's incredibly easy to fuck up

It's only easy to make a mistake if you're trying to max out social links for the sake of the narrative. Otherwise it's easy to play. Just don't miss dungeon deadlines.

Something something gay implications about the gays in the red district are now about crossdressing

inb4 bird wife

>buying the same game again for DLC content
Eat shit fatlus

>change offensive line that made resetera seethe
>into equally offensive line that made resetera seethe

Just 2 runs, 3 at most. Upgrade your stats ASAP and see what abilities you need on internet

>Brainless combat
>Railroad psycopath tier "relationships"
>Incredible dissonance between the relationships outside/inside their specific events
>Shit plot that relies on "oh yeah I forgot that imporntant part", one of the worst methods of delivery, even aside from that
>Characters just act retarded to advance the plot
>Contrived message that fails to differentiate between the lawfag protaganists and the super lawfag villain, brought up and dismissed in a line
>Never addresses the very relevant matter of the apathy of society, moves from people thinking "someone else will do it" referring to the government or some shit to "someone else will do it" referring to the PT
>PeNgU1N oF D00m character in the goddamn party

A sheen of style does not make a shitty game good. A wafiu simulator for people who don't know what relationships are with plausible deniability. I'll watch porn and then play an actually good game next time thank you and goodbye.

>$60 rerelease on the same console
>$90 of DLC
This will never not be funny, goys had it coming

Any particular pokemon I need to get?