What game gives the best feeling of adventure?

What game gives the best feeling of adventure?

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early Zelda
early Elder Scrolls
the Souls series

Seconding with a request for something like this

that GBA LOTR game

elder scrolls
i still dont believe anything else gave me that feeling


Guild Wars
Dragons Dogma


Yeah anybody rec me something with this feeling?

Recently, BotW, no question.
I really felt on a journey.
Seeing the comments, it's apparently not for everyone, some people find it boring, but nothing quite managed to give me such a sense of adventure

Shadow hearts
Kingdom hearts
Skies of arcadia

Golden Sun 1 and 2
Dragon's Dogma
your first playthrough of Dark Souls 1

Play Grandia

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WOW when I was 13. now that was an adventure

Actually, video games are fucking shit at giving a real sense of adventure of discovering a whole new world.

Read a book or go watch a movie instead

dark souls 1


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Elder Scrolls. Ocarina of Time back in the day.

Outer Wilds

Nobody'll believe me, but the Ultima series

This. Vvardenfell felt so foreign. It really felt like I was in another land among a totally alien culture. Reading the books and getting immersed in the lore and world was just top notch for me.

The Banner Saga

final fantasy 3

It's sad that you needed to preface that statement

If I don't, it's met with "muh graphics" or "but spooner said" bullshit.

The best part about the series to me was exploring the world and how it changed in each successive game.


Baldurs gate 2.
If you unironically say dragons dogma kys.

Adol is famously quoted as having replied to the question, "Why did you want to climb Mount Gendarme?" with the retort "Because it's there", which has been called "the most famous three words in mountaineering". Questions have arisen over the authenticity of the quote, and whether Adol actually said it.

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Dragon Quest
Dragon's Dogma

Chrono Trigger
The Legend of Zelda (NES)
Dark Souls 1
Halo 1's campaign

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Dungeon Siege, lack of loading screens really makes it feel like one long journey

It fades quickly but No Man's Sky has some moments.

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>the Souls series

Based. GBA Two Towers is legit.


Witcher 3

strangely enough, quest 64. something about the wide paths and low poly environments really made me feel like i was going on a journey across vast plains. i remember bumping into some woman's hut right outside a forest and it was super atmospheric

WoW Classic

I played this co-op with my brother. It helped capture a bit of that adventure we had when we were kids going out in snow storms and exploring abandoned buildings.

Baldurs gate 2
Final fantasy 9
Dragon quest 7 and 5

unironically Skyrim with the Bigger Trees mod

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I knew it was a heavily flawed game even when I was young but really liked that game. It had this unique feeling to it.

>Dragons Dogma
bro, what adventure is there? you can see the enitre map in like 1 hour

Pokémon Emerald unironically


>first time playing
>make a dwarf hunter
>get told about cool as fuck tiger pets in the Night Elf starting area
>too young to think of looking up a guide to get there quickest
>literally set out of the Dwarf starting area (after a few levels obviously, think level 10 was minimum for pets) all the way there simply asking other players for directions as I bumped into them
>even found a companion willing to go with me
>remember sticking to the road at the wetlands running away from really high level monsters trying to find the boat

Truly the biggest adventure I ever had in a game, something that due to modern technology/guides, could not be replicated in WoW Classic

metroid 1

Dragons Dogma.
Start on hard mode and as soon as you get your own pawn, choose in a random direction and go.
Just go, you will have to flee from most things, but you will see some shit. Most of all at night.

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Final Fantasy 3
Guild Wars 1
WoW... at first
Star Ocean: Until the End of Time
Skies of Arcadia


Playing World of Warcraft classic blind, definitely.

That, and also Star Wars: Galaxies.

>but you will see some shit. Most of all at night.
Like what? the cyclops in the same area for the 18th time in a row?

Listen, i love the game, but it's not an adventure with tons to discover, it's pretty linear.

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Just get friends and play Tabletop. Nothing else compares, even Tabletop games that try emulate fail to live up to having a good party and DM.

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>Star Wars: Galaxies
I completely forgot this existed.

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BoTW doesn't have very compelling gameplay, but it's a fun game to just get out and explore. You're not going to be rewarded by anything cool but the actual journey getting there.

dark messiah of might and magic
Elder Scrolls Online did it for me kind of
Most point and click games

>botw doesnt have very compelling gameplay

Combat isnt the only gameplay brainlet