Animal Crossing

Why is there a BDSM outfit in this game?

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They really aren't hiding that the games for basedboys

it clearly says visual punk

For me to give to Tiffany when I get her fucker

Fucking dropped

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I don't know what that means


she really is /ourgirl/

ok guys

what if...AoC is waterbug user

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thats actually a guest designer's outfit, by the esteemed nomura-san

Attached: how many belts can you count.jpg (430x800, 52.66K)

Anyone have upright piano or drum set?

>since the (((Zuckerberg))) hearing
WTF AOC is based?!

Dude no

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Don't be stupid, that's the outfit Nintendo asked Nomura to design for the game.

Wait, there's a synthesizer in the game. I want that instead.


Water bug: big titties, female
AoC: big titties, female, looks like a horse

There’s no other explanation

Anybody got any interesting villagers moving out? Looking for female ones cus I already have a lot of guys on my island

Anyone got the pics?

Is kinda funny how the only part without a belt is the waist, that was obviously on purpose.

I can sell you mine for the 66k bells it costs. Do you have decent turnip prices? Bought mine at 109 and they're on a decline, so I'm just trying to not lose money.

Anybody want to buy an electric guitar?

Uhhhhh, I just checked and apparently I'm at 321 so thanks for bringing that to my attention.

Shop is buying turnips for 407 bells.

Code 4N1LY

Anyone want Elvis? He's in boxes.

Attached: Elvis.png (138x251, 40.24K)

Wtf is that Elvis Presley?

NP. Can you drop a code? I'll hop over and sell it to you, then try to sell turnips at

anything cool?

My game crashed


>Anyone want Elvis? He's in boxes.
What did you do to my bro you fuck

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13 belts

This is your brain on Marshal.

I gave him a kool lion-crest for his door. Then today he said it was time for him to "expand." Who am I to chain up the king?

imaging having to take a shit in those pants

if i gift my neighbors doorplates, will they use em?


the fucking shoes have zippers

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Hell yea they will. Idk why it's one of my favorite gifts to give but I like it a lot



t. Did that

>Who am I to chain up the king?
You sick bastard!

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>Didn't buy last week
>Large spike, 531 bells
>Bought 1300 this week
>Decreasing, 53 bells

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Who's the worst cat villager and why is it Katt

Thanks Trout for the tickets.


9:24, staying open till 10

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Cute tranny feet


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