Half the spells are worthless

>half the spells are worthless
>mutagens are worthless
>decoctions are worthless
>crossbow is worthless
>bombs are a waste of time
>skill upgrades are a waste of time
>700 different types of plants and junk to collect that slow down the menus when you only ever use them once

Attached: 0c87248bbfac2866d434aad19334b24b_390x400_1x-0.jpg (390x520, 55.11K)

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Its a mediocre game with an impressive scope that blew people with no taste minds.

Half the combat is the prepping before hand, if you were 'role-playing' the RPG correctly

> he's playing at easy

It's almost like it's a shit game, that casuals only play for "muh narrative experience" or something. People that shit on Sony walking simulators, but suck off the Witcher 3, are massive hypocrites.

game has a lot of issues but I will say this, it is one of the few games in which I was completely immersed in the world from beginning to end.

Did you just play on the lowest type of difficulty with cheats on or something?

>get to low health
>oh I'l ljust meditate for an hour
>ahh all better 100% xD
this ruined the game

Yeah it was boring, not a terrible game but still way overrated

>Game offer a massive, beautiful world
>Each area has a story to tell and is masterfully crafted
>Some of the best side quests of any games
>Writing that isn't shit
>Serviceable gameplay, it is not the best, but it works well and gets the job done
>Free DLC for many years and 2 amazing DLCs cheaper than one Halo 3 DLC maps
>Amazing music and voice acting all around
>Isn't shy to show titties or being mature
>You get your money well worth it
>Respectable physical edition

Agreed, but it has enough genuine soul m to keep fans happy. Most of my enjoyment comes from immersing in the world while the gameplay often gets in the way of it. The example OP mentioned oils and potions which was a huge downgrade from TW1 and 2. But 3 really shows you how far passion for a setting and characters, and especially presenttion of an enviroment can go.
I honestly don't think I'd like TW3 that much had I not played the previous games first and already been invested in the world and characters.

What I'm hearing is you can't wait for Cyberpunk 2077.

It's babby's first """rpg""" aimed for casual shitters. Takes less brains than Skyrim. What did you expect?

I’m a fan of The Witcher 3, but even on Death March the game is a laughably easy spam of Quen, dodge and fast attacks. I can’t imagine anyone genuinely finding it difficult.

*fixes your game*


>mutagens are worthless
But i love my extra vitality and extra attack power

>press x to craft
>press x to apply oil
>press x to attack

>decide to enable level scaling because the game gets so easy after a while
>me and Triss immediately get BTFO by a horde level 14 rats
I love the game but yeah it's got a lot of design issues

Attached: gudeats.png (532x702, 443.76K)

>go to hunt a Leshen
>drink potions
>apply sword oils and decotations
>minmax skills and mutagens
>equip silver sword with specific runes for fighting a Leshen
>kill time: 40 seconds
>go to hunt Leshen
>skip all the bullshit and fight the Leshen with whatever gear and maybe a Thunderbolt if you remember
>kill time: 41 seconds

Attached: 72394255.jpg (282x415, 20.32K)

If you're really bad at videogames all of a sudden those things become very important. You can either be good at the combat or good at using all of your resources and succeed either way.

>crossbow is worthless
It's for shooting down flying enemies

So you never played the game

I finished in death march without using any competence points because i hate competence trees. This game is very easy. Still a good game.

you don't need to do any of what op said even in the highest difficulty. Dodge and quick attack and quen is all you need to finish the game without taking any damage

posting in the daily witcher 3 seeth/hate thread. Whats up?

>Skip all dialogues
>Avoid all sidequests and rush to the end.
>"Hurt Durr game bad"

EA sent another bot or just some COONSOOMER skipped all dialogues.

Attached: 363637373.gif (498x424, 1.87M)

Exactly. Immersion is part of fun.

You forgot
>equipment you find is all worthless

Attached: 1374903403021.gif (500x280, 1008.65K)

I played on easy like a retard the post.

Attached: YenneferRape.jpg (1931x335, 237.2K)

>>half the spells are worthless
Yeah only quen is very important, so mostly true
>>mutagens are worthless
? They litteraly give you buffs, though maybe not needed on easier difficulties
>>decoctions are worthless
I thought this too but then I tried the toxicity build which uses 3 decoctions and it turned out to be the strongest build in the game.
>>crossbow is worthless
It was never meant to be main weapon, its main purpose is full flying enemies. And when fighting them it's invaluable
>>bombs are a waste of time
Again they werent meant to be your main damage, just extra finished damage/stuns
>>skill upgrades are a waste of time
Yeah sure you can beat the game with no skills so skills are worthless in an RPG, SURE
different types of plants and junk to collect that slow down the menus when you only ever use them once
They are to upgrade your gear.
Play on death march.

The only special thing I found kinda useful was a bleeding effect on swords. If you fought enemies above your level, it took forever to kill them. But the bleeding effect would drain their health way faster, so I'd just swing at them until they start to bleed and then just wait

Agreed. I was more bored throughout the game play than not. Not a terrible game by any means, but not the bloody "masterpiece" consoooomers make it out to be either.

But OP, Alchemy builds are the most OP in the game

this thread confirms most of Zig Forums are boring brainless retards who don't know how to create their own fun in RPGs

fact: every single witcher armor looks like shit past tier 2.

They actually matter if you played death march

251 GoTYs (Most gotys ever)
25 million sales
Zig Forums, botwtrannies, kojimadrones, bloodbornemutts all seething uncontrollably for 5(FIVE) years

I never really like fiddling around with a ton of stuff in games, and I really hated the menus in Witcher 3. And then I didn't really feel very incentivized to use anything special either. It would probably have been different if Quen wasn't there