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They probably dont care since they made money. Something this guy probably didnt lmao

>gamurrr grrrrrrrlllll
>can't figure out basic mechanics
>can't find her way without a map
>can't beat platforms
>bitching about unfair bosses
git gud bitch

hollow knight legitimately doesn't have enough direction, simple indie game design flaw. no reason to mindlessly defend it.

I went into this game purely based on all the shill threads on here and figured it out immediately. Glad this game didn’t hand hold the player, although it’s a good games it’s overrated. The backtracking hurt it

Can someone tell me how this game makes Zig Forums seethe more than three years after its release? Is there any other indiegame besides Undertale that has caused this much longlasting butthurt?

What did the game lie about?

Literal attention whore.

Yiik, Celeste and NitW all pretty much do it too, but all for different reasons.

The lack of direction is a good thing. Get gatekept you fucking casual.

literally insists upon itself, I can't even

I guess but HK actually gets consistently mentioned. I don't think there's been a single week these past three years where a HK thread wasn't made.

Even Celeste with all its trannyposting got forgotten and NitW was FOTM outrage bait alongside YIIK.

I get you brother, but don't worry, there is a lot of people online trying to get rid of this kind dishonest game design starting with the root of the issue!

Did you need to be taught you could jump on walls in Mega Man X? You'll naturally try hitting an enemy below because you can attack while in midair, and you'll realize you can bounce off of enemies. It doesn't need some immersion breaking message to convey this.

How can 1(one) game make an entire board SEETHE so much??

Is "dishonest game design" the biggest meme of all time?

That's a funny video.

TORtanic literally tanked the post quality even further for ever

I deliberately didn't buy a map and had no difficulty navigating the game
If you found HK to have a "lack of direction" you're just a retard

god why did I fap to hornetxlace yesterday
those characters aren't even good looking they are weird bugs

Based. I never understood why people jerk this game off so much. It's not even that good compared to other recent indie platformers
> Cuphead
> Ori
> Salt and Sanctuary
> Iconoclasts
> Shovel Knight
All absolutely BTFO it.
YIIK is just a bad game, plain and simple. People meme and shill it because of how cringey it is. Celeste and NitW are both some variant of SJWshit. In the case of Celeste a tranny flag, and in NitW it's the association with Zoe Quinn.

>cheap bosses
>every boss can be beaten just with the nail without getting hit

what a literal shit gamer and low iq moron

Did he really show the bank as if it was some critical feature you could miss?

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It's not Zig Forums, just one guy. Seriously look at the archive, it's obvious as fuck that it's some obsessed autist.

>Did you need to be taught you could jump on walls in Mega Man X?
Yes. There was a put in the highway you could only get out via wall jumping.

i don't like hollow knight but i also hate faggot reviewers even more
what do?

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Anyone who complains about a metroidvania not being linear enough can fuck right off. The changes you want would make the game worse.

She should take up knitting and cooking. She'd probably do a better job at getting me to marry her if she'd make me a crème brûlée.

Exactly, there was no tutorial where Alia or Zero told you to hug the wall and jump.

Expecting its player base to not be retarded

>Zoe Quinn
doesn't the Zoe Quinn association make it you know, not SJW? Don't you remember what happened?