Strange controller thread. Post strange controllers

Strange controller thread. Post strange controllers.

Attached: z8m1acymqz121.jpg (4032x3024, 959.4K)

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Onimusha katana controller

Attached: 94F326FE-2822-4DEE-843A-1A9882E87A03.jpg (300x300, 7.86K)

Fuck i miss those games


Attached: 1488911006764-image6.jpg (4032x3024, 3.3M)

That doesn't look very practical for the game it was made for

Warioware: Shove it up your own ass game?

Only have one hand? no problem we've got you covered.

Attached: 1564918959904.jpg (1006x1006, 259.76K)

Final Fantasy X-2 Tiny Bee controller

Attached: ECF8B54D-BF48-4222-B3E7-A1E99AADFACA.jpg (439x439, 27.71K)

>slime controller
>console war
There. Thread repeated for the nth time. Let's move on to the next filename thread.

Famicom Gun, the Japanese version of the Zapper. It was literally just called “gun” the Wild Gunman set came with a holster、the idea was you would do quickdraws with the holster like a cowboy

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Attached: 1587358919169.jpg (320x267, 15.06K)

kek wtf

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>press the A button bro

Attached: DQe-HfnX4AAR3lv.jpg (1200x1141, 262.3K)

I-I-Is this how if feels to chew 5 gum?

Attached: 765D92F4-2D1F-401A-AF9A-62A073FE3B52.jpg (505x421, 19.27K)

Was about to post these. I cannot figure out how you're supposed to use them.

how do you even hold this?

It looks like two spread legs with a giantic penis in the middle

Attached: 91qahZOIs6L._SX522_.jpg (522x549, 19.93K)

are you gay by chance


Its the ship from Galaga but upside down

Would you faggots contain yourselves?

the kikes got you hard, didnt THEY?
it always looked to me like an x-wing seen from avobe.

Is... Is that a Saturn controller?

If you don't already know, you aren't worthy of using it anyway.

Attached: 1568834477707.jpg (600x750, 27.32K)

Attached: s-l400.jpg (400x263, 30.54K)

Yeah, and?

looks seaman related.

This guy kinda looks cool

It does, but then you have

>6 face buttons
>Saturn-style analog stick
>cord attached to the front end of the controller
>no VMU space

What they were thinking?

Attached: jaguar_controller.jpg (800x651, 49.84K)

it's a ps2 controller for the ps2 seaman game.(port?)
the ear hole is the actual ear hole lol.

Attached: Cover_Seaman.jpg (500x689, 66.58K)

Interesting. Why did they choose to design a controller resembling the nights controller for the PS2 of all things?

I had one of those.