10% of 30 million? That's uh, that's like... uhh

>10% of 30 million? That's uh, that's like... uhh
Why is Ann so fucking stupid?

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white genes

dumb blonde

She pretends to be to make you feel smarter

She's baka gaijin with silly round eye and smooth brain wwwwwwwwwwww

>actually took me a bit to think about what the number would be

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Atlus dumbed her down to make Makoto look smart. She went from outsmarting Madarame to a stupid blonde

Yes user, you are mentally disabled.

she's a bimbo slut
that's why they focus on her ass in the intro
post kunaboto

I wish she had to nude pose for the painter dude haha that would be funny

Nope, all you stupid niggers used calcultors.

10 million right? Isn't Ann meant to be a smart character, how does she not know that?

>needing a calculator to figure out what 10% of a number is thats divisible by 10

new team member needed to look smart

Attached: wedge.jpg (1500x3600, 1.66M)

> of a number is thats divisible by 10
wow what a sentence. learn english dude

Anns is my wife and the love of my life.
She's not stupid. She doesn't show a lack of intelligence at any point in the game.

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>10% of 30 million

The answer is 3,000,000, retard. How do you people not know this?

Kek, retard.

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except when she gets destroyed by the model thot at the shoot

>Makoto masturbating

She doesn't seem like the type but usually the girls you think that don't masturbate, usually do though.

every single girl has masturbated you virgin

Again, she never shows a lack of intelligence. Naivety, sure like in that scene, but not a lack of intelligence.

You would say the same thing about men yet I've never masturbated, and I'm 21

excuse me for not being able to do high number math calculations in my head, I don't have autism

>Virgin as an insult

Do you know where we are? That insult won't work on me.

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Why are you posting this as if most people would know?

Any smooth brain knows that 10% = รท10. If that's somehow still to hard for you you move the decimal point one space to the left

There's one bit where one of the teachers asks what item that the pupils have with them, has electronics in it, and Ann has to ask Joker for the answer, not realising it's her bloody phone.

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>high number
finding 10% of literally any number that ends in a 0 is elementary math. It makes no difference if it's ten or ten trillion.
Why are schools so shit at teaching how percents, decimals and fractions work, it's so fucking simple

Umm yeah she's the dumb blonde that's why you choose her

>was THAT divided by 10 user?!

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Ann is for Ryuji only.

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Who the fuck cares about fractions? nerds


Hi Ann.

>10 million

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So joker, Ann, And ryuji are all smooth brains right ?

The ones with Showtimes are the real pairing.


dumb bimbo slut

Joker is as smart as the dialogue options allow him to be, but the others are dumb yeah.