Why does everyone geta boner over the switch version of this?

Act like it's miles better.
A few non significant extra content, a 2D version literally 90% of people will never play outside of Japan or weeb fetish forums

and it's 720P and looks like shit. I can play that shit at 1440p 110 FPS on even my old shitty graphics card. it's no contest.
It's seriously not worth it for a few skins and small changes. Even the PS4 version is cheaper now and still looks better.

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It adds a good amount of QOL changes like being able to buy crafting materials from the crafting menu and like being able to change costumes despite not having the items equipped. That added story post-tree midway thru the game is fucking cancer though and horrible.

The extra story stuff actually made me quit the game, at least stop playing it for awhile. After the world tree shit when you are scattered I was hyped to find out what happens next. Running around gathering reddit army with Sylvando literally took all the hype out of my sails especially when I imagine I have to do a story for each character.

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OG version just jumps straight to Hero as a fish after being in a coma for like a few months or whatever. It's so perfect, can't believe they ruined it. The pacing and any sense of wonder of what happened to the world and everyone just ruined. Good thing the extra shit is done after only a couple hours, but it still sucks. It was a bunch of stuff that could have been shown as like optional cut scenes or something after finding the characters again if they cared that much.

It actually picks up again very fast after the gay army part.
Then it gets crazy good.
then ACT 3 come and it turns to shit again till last boss which gives the game a much, much more satisfying ending.

That extra content in switch kills the pacing.

actually afraid of getting the switch version now desu

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Get something else, or wait till its cheap as fuck.
It's a great game, but if like me you played it on 1440P with over 100 FPS, going to 720p at 30FPS sucks all the life out of it, and then you realise all this extra content is not even a big deal. QOL changes are just that, and not really a huge issue. I don't remember being that bothered by having to buy shit to craft often at all. Same with finding my horse. it's all tiny things that are not worth buying again for.

and as mentioned, the extra quests are short and ruin the pacing, along with all the wonder at WTF happened.

The ONLY good improvement was wearing any outfit with any armour, but considering all the best outfits have within 10% of the best stats it's a non issue.

I literally beat act 1 at level 24, act 2 at level 39 and act 3 at level 58 and that wasn't with maxed gear.(kept what i liked the look of. I had jade in the bikini the entire game even tho it offered almost no stats and she was a main damage dealer for me) It's not even a big issue.

It adds a lot of content and makes some upgrades over the base game, the biggest one is probably the music, which still isn't great but it's much better than the original.

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>but if like me you played it on 1440P with over 100 FPS, going to 720p at 30FPS sucks all the life out of it
Look at this casual.

PC wins out by virtue of cunny mods

>he thinks Slyvando dressing up as some kind of gay clown is better then this

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>filtered by a chapter that takes 10 minutes

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>Then it gets crazy good.
Don't lie, when I played the game I felt Nothing when I defeated the "last boss", and act 3 "unfucking" everything just made things worse.

fucking cop-outs.

i never looked into mods. are there any good ones?

i used to be more into it. i haven't bought or played a video game in 3 years, but got this in the lockdown and LOVED it. my GPU is an RX 480 from many years ago. wont run most games anymore apparently but DQ11 isnt so demanding.

lol, i make Sylv look as gay as possible. It fits his character more and its fucking hilarious watching him scream "wakey wakey" when he wakes up someone in battle dressed like a feather clown

Why do people like this shit? Its a barebones story on the level of pokemon. Id rather play Kemco shit.

I thought the end of Act 1 was great and was glued to it.
End of act 2 was kinda lame and hollow, while the content was great. sadly, the content for act 3 was bad gameplay wise, and i didn't really like how they basically undid all the character development. they could have brought them with you or something... but the ending to ACT 3 was actually good, and the only good part about it.

>OG version just jumps straight to Hero as a fish after being in a coma for like a few months or whatever
Isn't it what happens already

>try to finish the drustun trials without doing any optional stuff in act 3
>lmao you are 20 levels lower than sheer decadence, fuck you
Fuck this game

I guess? I mean it happens either way, it's just one has some some boring BS in between and the other doesn't?

>reddit army
You're a schizophrenic

It lets them marry who they want which is a huge deal to some "people" I guess.

>not wanting to marry Grandpa

b.....but but but THE GAYS!

>Not wanting to marry best girl and treat her like a princess

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It'S pOrTaBlE!!!!!

mcfucking delete this

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Fuck off. Rab's story was pure soul.

Why is this better than ff7r?
I love og ff7 yet I had to force myself to finish the remake and skipped a good bunch of cutscenes
Meanwhile this gem kept me interested all the way from start to finish even though combat is 3 niggas in a row

Please no bully Serena

Her cutting her hair was a travesty. Dropped like 2 points.
that may be, it was better served at a different time than when it was though.

its a shit port but it has a lot of extras so its "definitive"

portable versions of games being the best version is the worst outcome
i'm looking at you muramasa rebirth and persona 4 golden

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>even though combat is 3 niggas in a row
So is FF7, maybe you're simply a fan of turn based RPGs?
FF7r also has obnoxiously voiced characters, making it hard to get through.

Anyone who decides to get the PS4 version even though the Switch version is clearly the superior version has no fucking right to complain about the music.