Tifafags btfo by Varg

Tifafags btfo by Varg

How will Tifa ever recover

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Varg is a Neo Pagan and Neo Pagan women are all fat LARPers who fear feminine girls like Tifa.

He destroyed Witcherfags too.

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varg killed a man because he called his music shit it was actually shit and tried to weasel out of it. then he spent what, 12 years or so in a norwegian prison with a playstation 2, regular escort girls and a jacuzzi on demand while playing the victim.

he is also a raging anti religionists but believes in odin and freya or some shit. what a joke

Euronymous deserved it

sure but at least admit to what you did

I'm not Varg ( I wish I was), I just like his music and hate Christfag race traitors.

Fucking feminists don't even bother to play games, they should stop trying to tell us what our games should be like.

Tifa's design is perfectly fine.

Varg is just as assmad about sexuality as the Christians he hates so much. Zero nuance, it's either full-on degeneracy or 1 wife for life. Totally unrealistic garbage.

Op here, but varg isn't a feminist lol.

lol, he's one of those people

funny thing is Christianity isnt racist at all, pretty sure no major religions are. they will accept blacks, sandniggers, blacks, asians, anyone

Surprised Varg is so stupid. All ideals are impossible. That's what makes them ideal.

Varg is LITERALLY a race traitor himself though. Oh, and of course he also has a daughter back in Norway from an earlier girlfriend, wonder why he never brings that up when talking about MUH DEGENERACY.

>fake breast
Lmao at his booblet race. Also reminder that Varg once livestreamed with his family and his son keep saying how he wants to be a women.

>Zig Forumscels actually look up to this LARPing welfare-sponge

At least he made good music when he was a church-burning satanist.

If it speaks like a feminist, acts like a feminist, thinks like a feminist, spouts feminists opinions, it's a feminist.


shut up varg, noone likes you and your mom is a crackwhore

Holy hell how far up his own ass is Varg?

what is with these fucking feminist liberals hating attractive women?

Pretty sure Judais os pretty openly discriminatory and one of the few religions that doesn't proselytize because of it. I don't know if the "chosen people" is just a meme, but if it's not how can you not be arguing for racial superiority?

He saw fan art in a newspaper ad? I don't understand. What paper had this?

Varg has clearly not watched enough porn, there is nothing wildly unrealistic about Tifa's body.
Even if her body was wildly unrealistic, so what? It's a fantasy video game featuring a huge black guy with a gun arm.

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>big boobs BAD
wow he sure showed me

Idiots look up to idiots, who would have thought.

He was probably just browsing the internet like the neckbeard he is but needed to come up with an excuse to not seem like it.

I think fake tits look like shit too with the basketball outline

People can't deal with idealization/cherrypicking. See how every man thinks his dick is below average because of porn actors

Literally who?

I don't follow this fag or any other faggy e-celeb Zig Forums follows but I find it amusing that everytime there is some cunt doing his e-activism on twitter he always ends up being a pedophile, ex-criminal or a future one.
Like fucking clockwork.

Varg is on the internet 24/7. Guy tweets like 50 messages a day, I'm not kidding. But if you spend that time in the gym instead you're a degenerate according to his logic. Prison obviously fried his brain.

>Varg BTFO by beauty standards

Varg has now become a male feminist. I wonder if this means YT will stop banning him.

>Varg hates big tits
probably hates big asses too
does he have Irish DNA?


>t. Tifa