Do gamers really?

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Just call us fags like normal people

dogs > humans

Oh no poor pubby ;_;
Who gives a fuck
Especially you sif loving fags
The dog attacks me first, I don't give a fuck if I saved it in the past or it does a limp


dogs are better than people
dogs are superior to having children

>in GTA
Most of those fuckers either cut me off driving down the street or insult me. They are all expendable.

>dog in RPG
Did it engage in combat with me or did it just die under random cirumstances? Because one is sad and the other is their own damn fault.

I struggle to think of any dramatic dog death besides the omega man reboot with Will Smith, that's not even a videogame
Wait, there was that Wasteland where you kill some kids dog, but whatever

>complex and often evil people
>literally universally innocent animal life
jee i wonder.

Only faggot normies care about killing pixel dogs

white gamers mourn dogs

I only care about lucarios

Yeah sure, them civvies really were evil

Not the wholesome pupper :(

Humans are assholes. A dog has never once treated me like shit

A dog is a beautiful and innocent creature. It’s not capable of committing moral transgressions. So yeah I feel worse when a dog dies than some drug dealer or soldier or whatever scumbag person I’m killing that made the choices to end up in my crosshairs

Naughty dog went out of their way to boast about, applaud, and pat themselves on the fact that npcs and dogs will cry their names out loud when you have to inevitably murder them because they're an unavoidable obstacle.

GTA are just literal randomly generated who's in a giant sandbox you keep turning on godmode and dropping flying military tanks from the heavens on a bunch of hookers.

It's the weird logic of "cant show blood in a video game but you can give the character a horrifyingly realistic drowning animation when they die"

I genuinely don't understand the worship that those loud barking ass shits get. There are much cuter animals.

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I work on a hog farm.

We had a cute little pig I called chichi because it was red and looked like a Chihuahua.

Because of corona we have to euthanize small pigs because they're not taking culls, killing a lot of pigs really, anything that's not a grade A.

Chichi was too small for the gun, so I had to use blunt force trauma by picking her up by her back legs and slamming them on the ground.

Died instantly.

I don't give a fuck about dave and his stupid virtual dog named axle.

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I'd out a bullet in a dog for attacking me for sure. I have a 12 gauge and a 45.

Dog > Humantrash any day of the week.

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>Chichi was too small for the gun
Maybe it's my severe lack of firearm knowledge, but how can something be too small for a gun?

more like redditors. They're the ones that pushed this cringey dog loving attitude

It's a bolt stunner, it basically has a metal rod that shoots out and goes back into the gun, like a reusable bullet that is shot out with caps of gun powder.

I have to press it against their skulls, little pigs don't hold still, it's safer for both of us if I just use blunt force trauma. They're also too small too put a snare in their mouth to hold them still.

While brutal, it's considered humane.

I knew when it got off the truck I was gonna get told to kill it, I've probably killed over 300 pigs total.

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Not that user but I would assume that the caliber of bullet they're using would cause more of a mess than it would be worth.

Do you at least get to cook them after

MY dogs life is worth more than any human being. However fuck pitbulls. I would shoot them for sport if I could.


We have 12.000ish pigs when we're full, I wouldn't be able to ever eat that much.

I think there's legal implication like if we got sick off a pig, they also don't want us killing perfectly good pigs because we want to eat them.

We put them in a compost pile, and eventually those are spread out on the fields.

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>the compost is made from decomposed pigs

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Imagine being so contrarian that because Reddit has a large group of obnoxious dog lovers you openly spam how much you hate them in retaliation despite this board sharing half it's fucking population with faggot redditors and obnoxious highschool freshmen.
This board is really something else.

>A dog has never once treated me like shit

You're lucky. My dog got into my stash and ate it all so I incinerated him, wrapped his remains in a tortilla, and tried smoking that to see if I could get high.


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Do potfags really

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