what went wrong?
What went wrong?
an amateur modder got in way over his head and caved after he realized he couldn't deliver.
People expecting an incredibly janky, proof-of-concept mod based on incredibly janky and outdated engine, to become a solid and polish game somehow.
That is not how it works. If you ever thought DayZ would ever become a mechanically solid game, you are a moron.
Bohemia Interactive fired 5 development teams because of homophobic banter and as a result nothing got made.
Had Bohemia Interactive put the resources they had on Arma 3 and all the DLC's we would have a decent complete game now. But Bohemia Interactive are incompetent and incapable of managing people. No wonder their company crumbled.
standalone is good and getting better thanks to modders fixing bohemias mistakes
>what went wrong
got pushed to 1.0 right when they dropped their best patch just as a farce, it's really still just in EA
A lot of little gun features getting lost with .63 along with content
endless early access
>what went right
zombies actually getting worked on, being able to shut them in buildings and them climbing over low walls is great
Everything else about .63. Performance, smooth controls and no delays on actions
the vaulting system
took too long to re-invent everything the mod already had.
the game's alright now though but it only took them literally 10 years to catch up to where the mod was.
the mod was better
Early-access was a mistake, and anybody who could've save it got fired.
It says a lot when all version 1.0 did after nearly a decade was remove half of everything.
>listened to reddit MUH SURVIVOR GAME
>dumped everything people liked about the mod
>cashed out with le epic streamers for 1 month
>got dumped hard by everyone
>perma hatred by community
>only spare redditors clinging to their wasted $50 play it
Jesus FUCK dude, my friends keep playing this fucking trash like it's good. They literally don't give a fuck about the constant crashing and shit performance. They're on PS4 btw. Every time I mention how shit it is my (literally a homo) faggot friend says he plays it on PC. (It's a prebuild and he hasn't been on steam in 2 months)
Jesus Christ man.. I need new friends with good taste
Juts tried it on Xbox is one of the worst games ever.
Shit controls, impossible loading times, shit ui, it's just survive bro.
>>got dumped hard by everyone
>>perma hatred by community
>>only spare redditors clinging to their wasted $50 play it
this is cope it's in the top 100 most played games on steam, also it was $20 to begin with
This. My friends and I had thousands of hours in the mod, and we now consider modded standalone playable and enjoyable, even if helis and bicycles aren't in yet.
>>dumped everything people liked about the mod
i still dont get how they missed the point so hard
Played via game pass and it lost all the SOUL of the original mod
unironically kill yourself and then go play wasteland instead
the progression curve is what was fun
first you're alone with a knife and a bottle, then you get a bat, then an axe then a pistol then an ak then a sniper, then a tent to pile your shit in, then a vehicle, then you're building your base with a group of friends, then you get an helicopter, then you're terrorizing everyone on the server, and finnally you get killed by a sniper across the map
the fact that your character can live for a week/month before dying is so fucking stressful and cool
standalone missed all of that shit and instead made 300 ways to die of sickness+ shitty cosmetics
a fucking decade later and they still dont have vanilla mod items.
has there even been a fucking bigger cope
this. empire building and the ability to switch into any part of that timeline you want once you have safes full of gear and then branching that gear into hidden stashes throughout the map.
I never played wasteland but the heavily modded epoch server i played on was everything from wasteland and more. Watching this guys intro video to it, the only thing different ive seen so far was we had no mounted machine guns or lights in cities turning off mechanics.
The users. DayZ devolved into shoot on sight bullshit as soon as the normalfags arrived, turning it into a really bad FPS instead of a unique survival game.
Its genuinely my favourite game
Full of bugs yet i havent played another game on over a year since ive had it.
Im now part of a private server where interaction is encouraged over pvp and nearly everyone respects it. Of course if you go in a public server its an absolute hell hole.
No other game gets me like playing dayz does. That constant feeling of tension and paranoia. When you hear a gun shot go off nearby, sends your heart beating out your chest. Even just seeing anyone else.
And when you get the you are dead screen pop up youre back to square one as a fresh spawn again.
And yet its my favourite game ever. Nothing is comfier than travelling the world, setting up camp, hunting, cooking, killing
You know there are PvE servers for people like you?
>make factually incorrect statements
>get proven wrong
>I'm not coping, the isn't being played by people!
Git gud son
We dont want game pass players shitting up the place any more. Dayz is a mans game and a good brainlet filter. People cant handle the hardcore survival
Of course when you know where the fresh water pumps are and the best places to find food it becomes so much easier. But its better you all quit now and leave the game to men
Raw PvE is boring, as is raw PvP. Encounters were amazingly unique when DayZ was new. Would he shoot me? Should I shoot him? You actually felt tense. Then, well, the normalfags arrived and it just became BANG BANG ME SHOOT EVERYTHING I SEE HEE HEE. Don't understand it myself. Well, I do, actually: people just want that nice power rush of being the man with the gun when nobody else does since your average "gamer" (as if it's a real hobby) is a weak, pathetic, inept failure whose sole joy comes from pretending to be powerful in a virtual space.
Bohemia interactive has been doing better than ever, sold more arma 3 copies pas year than any other year, with dayz box in their new engine since like 2018, dauz also got revived and sold millions
>Then, well, the normalfags arrived and it just became BANG BANG ME SHOOT EVERYTHING I SEE HEE HEE.
i blame the dev for removing bandit skin
Took the money and ran
Bandit skin, default skin and the Good skin (whatever it was called) need to come back.
I'll tell you where it went wrong.
The moment they decided against only polishing the mod up. That's it.
They NEVER should have started from scratch. They should have made the character models a bit better, added some better textures, better animations, maybe a few more buildings to the map, fix the major bugs, and CALL IT FUCKING GOOD and then RELEASE that shit as a standalone.
That's ALL they ever should have done. AFTER that, they could have done content updates. New guns. Add in stuff like vaulting/climbing. Eventually add some new official maps.
They had millions of players, it was one of the hottest things around. They could have had a polished version of the mod done in 6 months.
>Senior and lead devs from Bratislava studio resign and jump ship, forcing them to close it down. Doubtful they're ever do any more meaningful work on DayZ
Yeah everything is great, a true mark of success.
It's a shit game for braindead people. Cope.