Stronk box can't run Asscreed at 60
No 60fps lmao
Indies have 60
>Bu-but Aaron promised me 60fps baseline
Aren't you sick of being lied to, Xbros?
you get it that shitbox IS strong enough to run this game in 60 fps but its that developers doesnt give a fuck about optimising game to the state it can run 60fps on console right
why waste time, money, resources on optimising game so it can run 60fps if you can just make it fine 30fps and it will sell anyway because most console gamers are casuals who doesnt give a fuck about your magic 60fps either
I can't even get 60 Fps on PC
Ok bootlicker, keep damage controlling
man as much as people love to shit on asscreed the visuals in odyssey are great.
So "Optimised for Series X" literally means nothing. So much for Microsoft being "transparent". They're as trash as they usually are.
you are so retarded lol
im not even console player ive never had console in my life but its just facts
developers will not waste time optimising games if it wont give them more profit and making your game run 60fps on console definitely would not give any profits other than PC gamers saying its cool that consoles finally are able to do that because console normies wouldnt give a fuck about it
you must be 14 years old or literally retarded to not being able to think for a second realistically and practically on such things
Fuck consoles anyway.
If a game needs to be optimized for console then the console wasn't strong enough to run it. It can't run AssHalla but like you said, it can run a gimped version of it.
It will be 60fps next year, obviously with compromised settings exclusive to ps5/xbsx, but then two releases back to 30fps, my guess they are still hamstrung by developing for the xb1/ps4 ecosystem, next year's releases will show what zen 2 can do.
AC Valhalla will be to next gen what Watch Dogs was to the previous gen
so what? it will be 4k on Series X while 1800p on PS5
It has an SSD right? That's fine then sonybros told me an SSD can make it do 4k 120 fps once they activate it so nothing to worry about.
consoles prioritized graphics over fps for other generation with their muh 4k.
Its really sad people still give a shit about consoles.
They're both shit boxes with mostly mediocre games, why argue over it?
am i getting trolled or is everybody here retarded it's hard to tell these days
Fuck gaming, I'm done. Someone give me a new hobby.
Is this at 4K?
I assume it’ll run 60fps at 1080p
>ultra high
do you fags ever learn?
>4k 60fps
a meme
why can't I install windows 10 on this microsoft?
dumb company that has been floundering for the last 2 decades
that term will mean less than nothing if you keep abusing it
who here is a literal child who can't buy any and all consoles on the market whenever they please?
>Assassin's Creed
>in 2020
SSD has absolutely fucking nothing to do with graphics performance
Are you retarded. Its literally in the last sentence.
Cloud settings are broken, anything past medium kills the framerate and doesn't look any better, turn that off and you might.
Chaturbate sugar daddy
>the visuals in odyssey are great
>that grass
>that foilage
The buildings look good but come on now.
Games that run 60 mention it in the area outlined with red, brainlets
What the fuck happened to Zig Forums, where do you dumb cunts even come from?
Uh, no, RETARD. PS5 has an SSD worth 9 gigabytes per second which means they can stream data so fast it will make any 1080p 30 fps game like bloodborne automatically play at 4k 120 fps once they activate it through the SSD. Cope.
t. seething he couldn't read 2 sentences