What went so horribly wrong?
Now that the dust has settled
Nothing. It was a fantastic game with an interesting story that was extremely well received when it came out.
Nothing. It was a fantastic game with an interesting story that was extremely well received when it came out.
I never really thought it was as bad as this shit board made it but the end was a pure abomination
>bioshock infinite
>takes place in the sky
Why? Bio means water. It should’ve been called Skyshock
If you can't get a fucking FPS control scheme to feel right in your first game, give the fuck up. Bioshock felt fucking awful and gameplay was absolute shit. Too bad no modern "gamer" gave a shit because OMG GRAPHICS and OMG STORY.
Something behind the scenes
they had to remove shit because consoles couldnt handle it or the designers couldnt decide what they want untill they ran out of time
because models,artstyle all that shit are great its the gameplay that sucks
The author’s bias was too heavy handed. No nuance or subtlety. Felt like something a 15 year old would write after he just discovered communism.
>Too bad no modern "gamer" gave a shit because OMG GRAPHICS and OMG STORY.
yes, and
A lot, but more than anything else the plot. The writing is so unbelievably shit in that game.
It was decent.
Thought I wish they didn't copy Bioshock 2's concept after they took a shit on it.
Only thing I didn't like was making black psycho commie softer in the DLC. Other than that? Fun and based game.
>First few levels aren't amazing but pretty good and draw you into the world of the game
>Each person you meet on your own is an alright encounter and you still get to see the city function.
>Get to the gun smith parts
>Story shits the bed
>Gameplay shits the bed and you start replaying levels
>That whole shitty ghost level/fights
>Gets okay when you actually make it to Comstock tower besides the story still being trash
>Escape and do some shitty gauntlets with garbage AI and shitty gun play for the last 1/10th of the game
>No final boss just some Patriots and swarms of dudes over and over.
Not to mention the largely limited and useless powers. Besides lightning the only power worth using is the mind control power which is utterly game breaking and not worth deviating from for a moment. Game starts off a 8/10 besides MUH CARD moment and just keeps riding down into a shitty 5/10.
Anyone else get stuck on that card puzzle? All these years later I still can't figure it out.
>so-called "gamer" likes graphics and story only
>Bio means water
Oh, fuck you.
It's easily the best Bioshock.
who the fuck cares if you're a """gamer""" lol
>Besides lightning the only power worth using is the mind control power which is utterly game breaking and not worth deviating from for a moment
crows are pretty good after you upgrade them to leave a trap after it kill someone
I want to FUCK Elizabeth
"Hi guys we're here to talk about chickens"
"Fine, but we're here to talk about chi-"
This is how you fucking nugamers sound.
Gameplay tried to be like the older Bioshock games but it either dumbed down or removed features. You can only hold two guns at a time which can really fuck you over if you're fighting someone like Lady Comstock's ghost and you die. The vigors are supposed to be like the plasmids except they're shitty and they don't even fit in Columbia's world when enemies barely use them. The story also shits itself because they kill all the major characters and we're forced to focus on Elizabeth's Mary Sue powers instead. Then the dlc ruins the previous games by trying to inject Elizabeth into them as the most important character ever. The worst part about the dlc was the god awful stealth. You can just press a button and stay invisible forever. And then they just shove random references in your face like "REMEMBER SANDER COHEN?????"
Bioshock Infinite's problem is that it's desperately trying to be a Bioshock game when it's actually a mediocre action shooter.
I avoided that e3 demo knowing how amazing it supposedly was and didn't want the game spoiled for me. Thought the game was pretty good when i played it. Went and watched that demo..and holy shit. No wonder people were disappointed. That demo is still one of the most impressive things I've seen in a game even today. They must have been out of their fucking minds to think they could pull that off on a ps3/360.
Elizabeth killing Booker and dooming herself to a miserable death in a world of deranged underwater Jewish creeps.
That mother boss in graveyard was most unfun experience with video games i ever had, and it happens THREE fucking times
>wojakposter is a newfag
least shocking thing I've seen today
>the study of water
Checks out
>millions of redesigns
>Levine admitting that he’s a retard who didn’t even understand the concept he tried to portrait
>leech of the success of a whole different “franchise”
>Baker as the VA
Mostly how shitty the ending was, everything else was "fine" but HOLY SHIT every time I remember how good the gunplay felt I remember that shitty ending.
"Elizabeth... why is your mother a ghost?"
I only played an hour or two. I was out because skyhook drop from the top rope was an instant kill but otherwise the enemies were bullet sponges. It just wasn't fun to play. Bioshock combat was never amazing, but it at least let you experiment with weird ways to kill things. This game was a chore to kill anything other than a cheap instakill and I was not having it. Didn't like the setting much either.
Whats the point? I didn't play on 1999 mode or w.e but i played on hard and it felt pointless. Mind control is just too good and ends up costing so little. You can cause in fights and the mind controlled enemy does unscaled damage so they end up killing 2 more enemies then killing themselves for almost no cost to you.
No new game+ is massives letdown for me
I just want to enjoy the environment NOT collecting the fucking coins
Booker didn't mating press Elizabeth and creampie her pusy
There's something fundamentally off with the whole series to begin with. Bioshock generally only had it's setting to rely upon and a lot of that ended up on the cutting floor to begin with and on the gameplay department all three games were some kind of weird mutant rejects trying to play a card between a shooter and immersive sim, spectacularly failing to deliver on both fronts. Deus Ex, System Shock and Prey all handled the Immersive sim side better and coincidentally were only marginally left behind in the shooter side of things. I pretty much binged myself through all of the series i mentioned above and Bioshock as a whole stood out easily as the weakest link among them all.