Actually good pron games

ITT: post H-game perfection

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Ok thread's over.

Was he based?

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I beat Paradox part 2 and fucked around in the LoC a bunch and I want more of this shit bros, are there any games with similar gameplay (tons of party members, jobs, races, skills, abilities, etc.)?

Someone gimme a download link to some good pron games. English ofc.

that and black souls

>Boring shitty snek waifu


you have to lose to fap. No thanks.

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Good pron games in what regard? How fast they can make you cum or suprisingly good story and gameplay?

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For me a good porn game has to focus on the porn.
Any mechanic has to somehow be related to the porn or it has no justification to exist.
If tries to be a story or combat focused game it's not a good porn game.

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Totono no other game lets YOU have sex with the best girl

Rance VI is also pretty fucking awesome.

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sengoku rance and kamidory alchemy meister

came for the pron stayed for the gameplay

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Danny’s game

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Akumajou Succubus is a carbon copy of the NES castlevani games

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Was she based?

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>good story and gameplay?

I have a friend who is playing Last Sovereign 24/7. Is it actually good game or just another RPG-maker porn game. I cant trust my friend on his opinion on this.

You should play it just so you can talk to him about it. I've been trying to get my two friends to play mgq for years.

behind the dune of course, also elana champion of lust but the artstyle is not for everyone

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Jannies you gonna delete this coomposting garbage or...?

Go to /mggg/ and browse their game collection, it has many essentials like OP's pic, FOBS, ROBF, Black Souls, SHRIFT, Bunny Black, Succubus Tower 2 (pretty sure it's there, could be wrong), Echidna Wars, Eroico and so much more.

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The entire Rance series

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Good fap but gameplay is shit

This one

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Yoru ga Kuru

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Portals of Phereon
Flying Princess -Inter Breed -

>one of Zig Forums's all time classics
Don't you have to shitpost about your favorite golf tranny in that one shitty movie game user?

The Sequel series is similar though it's not as complex or on as grand a scale as paradox.

>the truth is that user it the master of 1000 games he’s has never lost one yet

>The Sequel series

>12 years waiting for release

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Worst angel.
Only illias was worse.


Alrighty, thanks

>almost monthly dev progress updates turn into complete radio silence for a year and a half

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a-user, I...

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