Nintendo literally released portable consoles and didnt include chargers with them? How did they get away with this lol
ITT: Stuff people let companies get away with
>How did they get away with this
By having it written right there on the box. Average American can't read lol
How do you not include a charger with a portable console purchase. Chargers are literally a necessity and they said lol no charger sorry. It's like releasing a home console and saying power brick not included
you can't read either cause that box is clearly the European one with a PEGI rating
The North American boxes are always different.
>Pegi rating
>hurr hurr americans are dumb
It's not written on the American box because it would be a waste of ink lol
they were working off of the logic that it was an incremental upgrade for the existing 3ds fanbase and that most people already had one. so those that did not would just purchase an extra charger. it's retarded but that's how it was marketed.
Wasn’t it because they assumed people would be double dipping so they’d already have a charger and this way it’s cheaper?
Seething poorfags
the fact that 2DS XL comes with charger in the box makes it even funnier
like a memory card was a necessity for ps1 and 2?
like buying a hard drive is a must for ps3 or the shitty 360?
same shit everywhere your retarded ass is slow
It's worse that the 3ds charger uses a non-standard port.
3DS XL =/= New 3DS XL
>like a memory card was a necessity for ps1 and 2?
no because I can still play games with it
>like buying a hard drive is a must for ps3 or the shitty 360?
no because it comes with storage already everything else is supplementary
You literally NEED a charger unlike the other things retard. If it dies what the fuck are you supposed to with it.
It's to get around a law that disallows proprietary chargers for devices, I think
For whatever reason they could still sell the console that needs a proprietary charger as long as the charger wasn't included?
so you played every game without saving and a single ps3/360 game
same applies here :) you can play a single game till the battery runs out
the switch being a quality control nightmare
>Have original 3DS XL
>GameStop had deal for New 3DS XL where you traded in the old version and paid $100 bucks and you get the New one
>System transfer in shop
>Keep old charger
Probably the only based thing GameStop has done
u r dumb
What a fucking stupid law, do they want people on usb-c forever even when eventually we could have something better?
Nintendo is pure scum, anyone buying their shit gets what they deserve
No you are you little bitch. You don't need a charger to play a New 3DS, you can just throw it away when the battery dies and get a new one. So fuck off.
is it still proprietary if there are already like 4 devices that use it?
>nintendo shills derailing a thread by turning it into another americans vs europeans thing
>Dumb American's can't read! Also is not written in the American box!
literal snoy retard
>American's can't read
more like americana’s lmoa
> defending Nintendo is snoy
t. American fat ass whose brain developed an anyeurism from a lifetime of cheeseburgers and tacos
heh, spotted the newfag who doesn't know about the epic spelling lmao wrong meme.
Typical amerifaggot.
I still can't believe that happened. Those chargers wouldn't even cost Nintendo $1 to include.
How many minutes a day do you spend not thinking about us?
nintendo releasing the same game from a decade ago with less content at full price
It would have bumped the price up more than buying the charger separately.
Rent Free: The Thread
What game?