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on what?

anyone else have a mask fetish

Attached: Mask03.jpg (859x1200, 622.88K)

the covid-19 pandemic happening currently

Gas Mask mod when?
May as well go deeper.

I've got a gag-ball under mask fetish

Attached: vzpsmkfo95e41.jpg (750x1334, 85.7K)


Fucking hot. I like to imagine all of the girls out there secretly walking around with one under their mask. This pandemic has been a goldmine for it.

Attached: Mask01.jpg (896x1200, 844.48K)

is this compatible with the bikini and bush mod?

any good mask doujins

Attached: 1587779224727.jpg (1035x1500, 387.29K)

This one on Pixiv is pretty good. artworks/78339701
"blowjob under mask" is top tier.

Attached: 1521957812271.jpg (500x498, 25.73K)

any good The Mask (1994) doujins


Attached: coomask.jpg (1280x1172, 340.23K)

That's an oddly specific fetish

Define "good".

No yes

Attached: 1536865304704.jpg (1050x1500, 171.08K)

There's a lot of art for it, though.

Attached: 63151.png (763x475, 512.73K)

Not at all, it's just bondage fetish with a bit of voyeurism mixed in. Possible elements of submission, as in they're following a command to keep the gag on at all times but still have to go out.

Where can I find more?

Attached: This is why we fight.png (1032x772, 692.46K)

Usual sites, it would seem.

Attached: 5520c6a755235f55f39543420fcb5e8f.jpg (2894x4093, 3.74M)

Me. I love how it emphasizes their eyes and makes you focus on them. Plus the mystery of what their face looks like under it.
>tfw all the cute girls around me are wearing masks now thanks to Corona Chan.

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>tfw got awkwardly flirted with by a big-titted shortstack when I went and bought natto

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good shit

Attached: FrostCosplay1.jpg (465x960, 38.82K)



You must be living the dream.


I am. The one time beeing a coomer has paid off.

Attached: ghu6644.png (336x490, 176.93K)

Masks are super interesting.

Attached: ETZ3E2LXYAAM5ME.png (1322x761, 102.71K)

Hahah nice one op I aprreatuebt

No, but certain gloves do it for me. I got a bunch for my gf to wear when she jerks me off