>went from almost 2000 to 500 players in a little over a week
what went wrong
Granblue Versus
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PC users don't play fighting games
Weebshit. People just use them to coom.
thats a pretty fucking good number for a niche fighting game.
700 peak is fantastic
Also the PC port sucks dick i heard too
everyone already has their own sparmates to play with in private rooms. nobody plays in public lobbies. It's hard to find randoms to play with when you have no friends
Once you've used the code for your Evolite, what's the point?
It's Finals Week
Then why do SFV and Tekken both get anywhere between 1000-2000 players every day?
But Zig Forums told me that this game was going to be huge, the next relevant FG for years, did they lie?
Stuff like this makes me wonder why in the fuck SamSho released on Stadia and later on Epic. If fightan' games on Steam barely chug along what hope in other PC platforms?
1. What fighter isn't "weebshit"?
2. This happens with every fighter.
>Why do legacy fighters, one with crossplay, and decades long fanbases, have more players
lol i dunno.
the same reason cod has players but rising storm vietnam doesnt
Exclusivity money breh.
>This happens with every fighter
>2/3 of the games you listed still have a 3-4 times the player count of granpoo despite being out for much longer
No seriously, do you think a few thousand is impressive?
this "muh spar mate" mentality is honestly what makes anime games become discord fighters so fucking quickly
people really need to stop being pussies and play ranked already
A 4 digit player count is better than a 3 digit one. It's basic math.
I would of thought nearly a decade of watching anisoy fgs turn into discord fighters people would get a clue.
Before discord was a thing it was IRC fighters. A game like guiltygear slash would have 5 people online but 200 people in IRC rooms so you had to go and beg for matches in IRC.
or at least go to public lobbies where you can play long sets with randoms. Everyone fighting only their sparmates in their private discord rooms only kills the playerbase further
I wish PC fightans were more popular. Not only can you get this game for ~$10 using argentina poverty pesos, all the DLC is free using creamAPI. Similar to dbfz being like $3 right now through argentina. Stop playing on ps4 you faggots.
why is it that this only ever happens with anime fighters tho
The coomers coomed.
Played it for 20 minutes, tried out all the characters and refunded.
Fuck gachashit,
Fuck granblue.
Can people with the pirated copy play with those that bought on steam? All of my guildmates pirated it.
negative feed back loop of small initial install base > need to go to discord to beg for match > match inside private rooms > no more need to go to public lobbies > new players can't find randoms and must also beg match in private discords
PC didn't get codes, it was PS4 only
no they can only play together
Well dang there really is no reason to get this version then.
They should of given codes to players after ~10 hours of gameplay to avoid refund abuse. Xsneed just being the faggots they are.
PC players only care about MOBAs and other free to play trash
That was why I didn't buy it
I couldn't give less of a shit about gacha, but reselling the codes made the game basically free because paypigs have 0 self respect
Not even a discount despite the ps4 copy essentially coming with a 50$ bill and the PC version getting nothing? Nope, I'm keeping my money.
Waiting for my hitbox to come in.
so 550-700 players is shit, but 1000 is suddenly acceptable
aight brainlet
you must be new to fightans, while chads like csgo/dota2 fight over 100s of thoudands population, we over at /fgg/ fight over hundreds cause our genre is so dead