Especially on twitter
So if Male Byleth is canon, why are there so many female Byleth stans?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because the people playing nu-Emblem suck cock
go back to where you came from
Trannies, lesbos, and the same guys who like to play as female shepard are the ones who push female byleth. Oh, and weebs who like to be the girl.
lesbos and western incels who like lesbos
Because people like self insert characters
You mean reddit
Nah. They just like Edelgard too much and want to make her a lesbian with Female avatar.
Reddit is based…at least a little.
So what does this mean anyways
It's called a vocal minority. You'll never hear anyone talk about playing Alexios in AC:O, yet 2/3 of the player base played him over Kassandra.
I had to google it but it's twitter/tumblr speak for a hardcore fan. It's from that one eminem song.
Oh so stan=psychopath, that's what I thought
>El draws male Byleth yet all the art is with her and female Byleth
>Rhea has a massive Mom fetish and only thinks Byleth as her Mom yet all the art of them is with Male Byleth
What a backwards world.
Edeltards combined with mentally illed fags who aren't even girls or lesbians in the first place. Also this
dykes in denial
Thanks for telling me the origin dude.
Aren't they all just trannies?
Prolly because she's the only lord who actually gets to have a same-sex relationship with the protagonist, so people latched onto that like flies on shit.
just like Male Corrin is canon too huh?
It's probably a safer bet that way more people played female Byleth though.
People who actually play the game play male Byleth more. You can tell because the in game statistics for gift giving and tea time are routinely dominated by female characters
Because most people don't give a fuck about what's canon. Not really a hard concept. It might surprise you that people still enjoy the Star Wars EU, including many people on this very board that enjoy the non-canon video games.
Male Corrin doesn't have in game blunders like 3h has(Like OP's pic) and he also did't appear exclusively on every trailers like Male Byleth.
Casuals and normies which 3h attracted a lot most probably played only with Male character. I've never heard of people using Female Character more. Not even in a MMO.
>zoomer slang
You underestimated the waifufags
They are the vocal minority. A really vocal minority. Gamers still only use the male MCs more. And people from twitter are doubling down because they want to a canonically bisexual female lord.
Although IS being a japanese company, they would never do that though. You can see how they still use Male Byleth in trailers(smash, DLC, heroes) no matter how vocal her fanbase is.
>another three houses """"canon"""" thread
fucking autists i swear to god.
She cute and tummy
Dimitri was the real villain of 3H
Yurishitters deserve the rope