Fates wasn't a bad game

Fates wasn't a bad game.

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It wouldn't be shit if my daughter could look like that.

Outside of the story it was really good

if you're a retarded coomer like OP then Fates will seem like a good game

It's not. It's a shit game

It was okay.

Conquest wasn't a bad game. The other two routes were shit, especially Revelation.

It was 3 bad games

eternal reminder

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Both of those are shit.
Honorabu Japanese translation makes everyone as interesting sound boring as fuck and the official release makes everyone sound retarded.

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It had great mechanics and Conquest had good maps but the story was wasted potential when it wasn't outright infuriating

I'll boring and shitty over boring, retarded, and shitty.

>Conquestards pretending again their route wasn't full of shitty gimmick maps

The only good thing to come out of Fates was that Echoes came out after and filtered the casuals. Conquest was passable, Birthright was a good place to start, but Revelations is a sin upon humanity.

it was kino compared to three farts

I'd rather take retarded and shitty, honestly. At least I can get a laugh out of that.

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It's a fucking crime that there wasn't custom sprites for at the very least a dragon/beast Morgan/Kana, let alone tan skin.

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It's not bad, but it could have been a lot better. For every good thing it had there were two bad things to counter it. If it wasn't fucked in development by two factions warring with each other and greed from the developers trying to trick people into buying the same game three times it probably would have been a much more fondly remembered game.

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There is a balance between the two. Unfortunately most localisers take the gearbox approach to writing dialog.

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So I'm going to play Birthright for the first time soon. Any fun pairings? I'm planning to marry Sakura.

>I'm planning to marry Sakura
Everyone plans until they meet the one.

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>The one
>Terrible unit
>No personality
>Well I guess she's brown

No, but Kana is a shithead.

If only her stats weren't so garbage

But she cute

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Sakura is stronger than her though.

>loli kana rinkah
i am ok with this

>tfw the only girl you liked was Mikoto

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>worse str than Sakura

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Birthright isn't shit, it's just ok. Revelation is actual shit though, what the hell were they thinking?

Yes it was.

but that's kinda hot

>you now remember the snow shovel map