

Attached: file.png (480x594, 194.73K)

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Wow it's almost like early access games have temp assets.

Fuck off.

>purposely using heavy as fuck assets like a toothbrush for no fucking reason
go choke some cum

A fucking simple box would be more acceptable than a 5600 polygon model.

>defending yanderedev
hello yanderedev

I guess this is why he doesn't want you playing his game on a budget laptop

Was gonna watch until I heard the robo voice


Attached: 2 billion polygons.png (562x377, 32.31K)

That’s a big toothbrush


HDTF, right?

>2k a month
>could've farmed it out to pajeet and be done 5 years ago

I mean, any project online as soon as it involves some kind of money gets tainted already with expectations, even if it is "optional". And yeah, even given that you take money out of the picture, like for Xbox emulators like XQEMU, you can still see frustration with efforts that take a long time and why people aren't faster, especially when there is no motivating factor there users can add like money.

the maker of the video made his own toothbrush asset between 4:49 to 6:50. Literally 2 minutes and 1 second of work

But then he can't milk it indefinitely.

>High poly mesh you'd be using for baking later
>Temporary asset


Attached: 13355502485142.png (800x1100, 17.94K)

>2 billion polygons
>3ds max

Yeah no, it shits the bed and crashes if you got over 123m (And honestly it's unusable on a super computer past even 30m), it's been a long standing issue that Autodesk refuses to solve


Who the fuck made this? "Models hands come in different files" haha fucking WHAT? What century are you living in?

Why pay someone to finish it if you get paid 2k a month to keep working? Patreon incentivizes people to never finish things.

Work on your game you lazy autist.

>Fuck off.

Attached: 1577054487898.jpg (640x590, 69.16K)

>All the incorrect terminology used and downright wrong statements about how "normal modelings" works in this video

Kinda painful to watch this, creator is so badly stuck in 2002 workflows it's like reading an average /agdg/ thread or visiting /3/, he seems to be nearly as retarded as yanderedev himself.



Attached: BannedWordsList.jpg (226x506, 35.58K)

You could have pointed out that Mike Z is a forgotten has-been while people never stopped talking about YandereDev or that Indisivible sold MUCH less than Skullgirls, but no, you defend a fucking toothbrush.

>Mike Z
You mean that guy who actually made and released video games?

Except he's been using those temp assets for over 6 years.

But there is the threat of people stopping the contributions coming in, like ever again, if you put nothing out. It's pretty much the problem with early access and etc., where you can rake in the money initially if you put it out and never put out anything ever again. But unless your scope is Star Citizen levels, money does stop coming in if it is apparently you aren't releasing anything or enough. I believe it is why Cubeworld released eventually, still lacking and actually removing features, because the money ran out. Given, it is impressive that it took 6 years for it to happen and the interviews the developer gave out were all BS about being a perfectionist and the DDOS and etc. but it did happen.

So I mean if you are trying to game the system, you have to do some type of work anyways to make sure the money keeps rolling in. And at some point, unless you are an idiot like Yanderedev, the progress you are doing to keep money rolling in should lead to something finished at some point.

>But there is the threat of people stopping the contributions
And the response to that is, "so what? I still got a ton of money from suckering retards out of their money"

2002 workflow appreciate optimized art assets. That guy just doesn't care or just plain retarded.

Yeah, but inflation and the need to spend money means it will run runs out, hence me bringing in the example of Cubeworld. It's is still pretty impressive how long you can live and use a scam but you can only do once in the age of the internet, You can't do it for a living like how old con artists used to do it as a profession where they would be able to just disappear on the next train over to somewhere else unless you manage to make a jackpot type, once in a lifetype type con on your first go.

>that Kizuna Ai model
jesus christ

wouldn't it be easier to have a toothbrush which doesn't fucking have each strand of hair on it individually modeled? the game is not even realistic, literally all your need to do is make a white rectangle then use that as the "hair" on the toothbrush, maybe at some strokes of black on it to give it some fake detail and you have something that fits with the aesthetic of the game, which again is stolen anyway.

Attached: Infected_14.jpg (798x531, 75.69K)