Xenoblade thread

Guys, I fixed Melia.

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Other urls found in this thread:



>playing Torna; up to the bit where you reach the capital and Malos starts wrecking shit
>all the gargoyle minibosses and then Malos himself have Elemental Awakening, which activates the second you slap an orb on them
>they all have a move which will OHKO your entire team if the boss has the awakening buff active
>they're also immune to Break
Oh yeah this is a fucking fun mechanic, just autoattack something and spam arts until it dies. whoo

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>they're also immune to Break
Are they? Anyway just chain attack them, you probably have a lot of orbs on them considering how easy it is to put them.

I thought elemental awakening was just in land of challenge?

Apparently Malos' elemental awakening isn't supposed to activate until he has 7+ orbs on him, but nope in my game he does it after a single one (I tested a Fire/Fire/Fire combo so as to only put one orb up, and he lit up like a Christmas tree).
Ideally then I'd just set up 1-2 orbs and immediately Chain attack, but the party gauge fills up so slow in this one compared to XC2 because there's far less pouch items available (what with no vendors/mostly obtaining them from crafting- and the ones you do get are shit).

I beat the fights, but it was with autoattacks/arts.
I probably wont bother with the endgame if they keep this shit up because there's no strategy.

Me too, but some of the NMs and bosses in Torna have it too and it's fucking bullshit.

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>Apparently Malos' elemental awakening isn't supposed to activate until he has 7+ orbs on him, but nope in my game he does it after a single one (I tested a Fire/Fire/Fire combo so as to only put one orb up, and he lit up like a Christmas tree).
Weird, for me he did when his health was reduced by half, at this point the only thing left for me to do is Chain Attack him since every boss and unique monster seems to have an instakill move.
I see a lot of people saying Xenoblade 2 wants you to chain attack but this applies more to Torna, despite the enemies having less health. I barely used Chain Attacks in the main game.

Can someone link the thread that had the shirtless shulk leak? Were there any others, or just that?

Next time a leaker-user shows stuff, gotta ask em about important stuff like:
>Multiple save files
>Jiggle physics with Fiora or Sharla in the bikini
>Proof the difficulty settings are nowhere in sight in the current build like previous leaker-user claimed

I can't sleep.

I think you're me, I just did this last night lol. I don't think I even saw a tutorial about "Elemental Awakening". Is that when the health bar glows blue for them? Cause I thought something was odd about it. At the second gargolye, I wound up fast traveling to a camp to bonus exp level to 38/37 to get through it. I wasn't building up party gauge fast enough to use chain attack before the Darkray one-shot thing.

Wound up getting a full 8-orb burst on him. The chain attack started when he was halfway and activated Monado Armor, so it did jack shit until the second half of the chain attack.

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Or 6-orb burst. I'm dumb.

>Mom says it's my turn to play

Chain Attack in XC2 are kind of a trap because it's one of a few thing it tutorialises effectively, which has the effect of goading inexperienced players into setting up multiple orbs and then Full Bursting bosses. Which is incredibly, incredibly slow.
Chain attacks are strong for sure, but you're actually better off using it for invincibility frames or setting up/bursting only 1-2 orbs at a time with a Lv1 special damage+ aux build.

Torna seems to incentivise setting up loads of orbs, but without Pneuma and all this Elemental Awakening bullshit it's more cumbersome than it's worth. Also they nerfed the damage into the ground. I'm only using chains now for iframes and to fill out affinity grids because they're basically pointless otherwise.

Even if I control Aegeaon it wont save the other 2 party members.

Yes, Awakening is when their nameplate glows blue in response to having an orb/orbs active. Which bumps up the enemy's damage and makes them attack faster and is thus very bad, you basically never want it active.

As much as Torna is a better game than 2 the driver combos are way wonkier (and thus fusion combos) and now with this Awakening shit I kinda just want to go back to dippin' DoTs with QTpi volcano spam.

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>Jiggle physics with Fiora or Sharla in the bikini
XC2 really fucked up this fansbase when this coomer shit is what they care about.

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Because it was present in the original since 2010. It's nothing new to the series. Even X had fanservice shit that Nintendo Treehouse tried to hide from existing.

Weren't some people complaining about breast slider not being in or something? No need to blame XC2 for everything.


Xenogears had actual nudity in it secondary.

That's not xenoblade retard so fuck off.

>Down's syndrome face
Fixed how?

>you basically never want it active.
Is there a way to avoid this? All I keep doing is Chain attack as soon as a Lv 3 Blade combo finishes so I could just clutch on to MUHNADO to Purge Awakening

i love you too! i love all of you!!!!

does Xeno1 have cute boys?

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Ok Rex.


Don't think so.
Either you pop the orbs immediately, or if you're playing XC2 challenge mode stuff you can use Shulk's blade special to purge it.

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I hate Rex so much.

This is just proving why 1’s «art style» (it didn’t have an art style for its models) doesn’t work with better graphics. It looks so weird. If you really want to«fix» the Wii Melia at least make her look like her character art that was based on the ugly models.

>Her character art in the original was just drawn over models
>They didn't have an assigned character designer concept artist when they made Xenoblade
The edit still looks like shit though. It's like looking at a thumb with a wig.

Were their any new leaks/screenshots?

>This is just proving
That shit edit does?
>it didn’t have an art style for its models
Ah so you're just retarded.

>"For the original Xenoblade Chronicles game, this character design artwork simply didn’t exist; all we had were costume designs for the clothing the characters wore. This meant we were forced to create the CG character models to fit those costume designs. And what’s more, the only artwork released of those characters were retouched versions of their CG models – there was no concept art to speak of"

I don't think you know what art style means. You should look it up.