Zig Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous Thread >Post references and names in one post
>Keep it vidya origin, no OCs
>No shitposting, bumping requests or misusing Loomis and other artist names
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>When posting a delivery PLEASE don't forget to link to the anchor post.
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW:
vidyart.booru.org/ (current)
vidyart2.booru.org/ (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites:
catbox.moe/ or imgur.com/

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:

Attached: 1589118018955.png (1064x1908, 582.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Attached: e8c8b3edbca17969f7a67aea7cb35ea665fcafda.png (850x700, 476.76K)

Requesting Natalia from Tales of the Abyss with big titties, tied up and gagged with a bandana.

If possible, make her gloves visible

Attached: NataliaBound.png (1394x1116, 631.66K)

Requesting Soliera from Pokemon USUM indoor sunbathing (with a giant sun lamp) in a bikini to emulate the beachgoers of Alola.

Attached: F2E27989-0CC2-448F-9189-612AA79E4317.png (1852x1190, 1.69M)

Requesting Chie in full ninja/burglar garb breaking into a museum or dojo to mess around with an ancient ceremonial/samurai sword.

Attached: Chie Swordplay.png (1286x690, 979.07K)

Post toddlercon requests, I know there's a couple degenerates itt

Requesting Nyx having finally weakened the seal of her curse, allowing her body to age somewhere around the age of Shade (the chick on the right)

Attached: nyx_finally_aging_her_body.png (1762x1630, 1.92M)

Requesting Naoto with her fat ass hanging out of the highcut armor while Yu struggles to contain his electric Maziodyne semen.

Attached: MAZIODYNUT.png (2316x2504, 1.8M)

Requesting Z23 presents her iron-cross-shaped pubes/bush. Optional with Javelin and she approves this and call it as cool.

Attached: Z23.png (857x1024, 731.39K)

Seconding to dab on

>actual good OP this time

Requesting Eliza from Skullgirls singing, teasing an audience or band member's clothed erection during her performance, or even flashing one of them during the song.

Attached: Lounge Singer Border.png (358x439, 86.96K)

Requesting a modernized Kefka (in suit and without his makeup) who blends into society and conceals his psychotic nature.

Attached: Gestahlian Psycho.jpg (2279x2512, 1.31M)

Requesting drunk Adam Jensen.

Attached: Drunk Jensen.png (1299x449, 860.63K)

Requesting Jolene in Jolyne Cujoh's outfit.

Attached: untitled.png (487x737, 257.24K)

Requesting Pettanko Park-chan sitting on a man's lap.

Attached: 15547362300947.jpg (174x174, 17.25K)

Requesting Rouge the bat, any of the squid girls or whatever other girl the anons choose as a Twitch thot. Bonus points for chat.

Attached: 1589069431282.jpg (2047x1343, 504.66K)

Requesting Blaze the cat "dressed" like Belladonna.

Attached: Itty bitty kitty titty committee.png (726x969, 739.77K)

requesting kat and raven from gravity rush with king cai on a leash
the idea being a hypothetical scenario in a never-ever gravity rush 3 where they find cai and try to watch over him

Attached: 1589069899149.png (1764x736, 716.66K)

and he fucking pulverizes her because its gene from godhand.

Requesting the idol girl Tsubasa giving a lucky fan paizuri (backstage or at a con for example) while thinking to herself whether this really is a sustainable approach for self-promotion.

Attached: Tsubasa - Tokyo Mirage Sessions.jpg (3681x2031, 660.07K)


Attached: fatsnek1.jpg (657x1000, 57.75K)

Brehs why the fuck is link so sexy in hyrule warriors?

Requesting Wii fit trying out nude yoga.

Attached: Wii thicc trainer.png (250x250, 24.74K)

Requesting Julianne getting ambushed by Dana for a bout of rough non-consensual sex at first before melting into passionate lovemaking.
Some pose/setting refs.

Attached: Roughed Up Julianne.png (713x906, 757.35K)

Fuck off already xice.

Requesting Mao wearing a choker with a heart on it, long black gloves, a pink crop top, a pink short skirt, black stockings, and a black thong that's exposing his bulge.

Attached: D3_Mao (2).png (725x1026, 419.98K)

Yeah, I've got one for you:
Fuck. Off. Pedo. [ /spoiler]

Requesting Zig Forums Mog with a buff-ass Chocobo as his stando.

Attached: Choco Mog STAMPEDE.jpg (2081x1355, 435.61K)

Requesting this but with him: pixiv.net/en/artworks/72516868

Requesting recreation of this scene from Yakuza 0, with Kuze (top right) replaced by Abby (bottom right), and Kiryu (top left) with Joel (bottom left). Baseball replaced by a golf club.
The text should read:
>Firefly leutenant, Ma'am clan
>Druckmann Abby
Or something like that. I might get on it myself later but just in case anyone also finds it interesting

Attached: tlou yakuza request.jpg (1920x2117, 602.26K)

Seconding the Junko request from the previous thread

Attached: junko.jpg (300x743, 103.06K)