Claire preferred this to Leon HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
Claire preferred this to Leon HAHAHHAHAHAHHAHA
She's just settling with the closest Leon-lookalike
The heart wants what it wants.
hed make a cute girl
>Cries over Neil
I guess we just have to accept Claire has bad taste in men.
>isn't a rookie cop
>rocks gold lugers like any real chad would
>is actually around to help Claire unlike Leon "ADAAAAAA" Kennedy
>even after becoming a monster, Claire still wanted that dick
Of course she did.
How? Literally friend zoned him. He even died for her, and she still didn't want to bang him.
they fucked in the plane
>golden lugers
how can leon even compete?
>no Claire we have Leon at home
did Leon ever rescue her liek this?
>Steve doing shit like this
>the next game Leon does shit like this
>mfw Claire told Leon about Steve and Leon copied him to impress Ada
I'm onto you Mr Scott Kennedy.
Capcom would probably ruin this game in a remake, unfortunately.
CV is so underrated, the game is designed like shit in some parts but it's still pretty fun. Claire's ass is 10/10
>blocks your path, progression and mental well being
CVX is literal dogshit, it can only get better
Literally friendonzed by Claire who still thinks about Leon
The Ashford are the best antagonists in the series only problem is not having a boss fight against Alexander instead of Steve just shooting him doing retarded max payne shit
Of course they would, the plot alone would get fucked up beyond recognition due to the crossdressing and incest. Then they'd have the ugly Claire running about, remove all the puzzles, bosses, most of the enemies, probably throw in some set pieces, it would be an utter shit show that would make the original look like a 10/10 masterpiece. I sincerely hope they never remake it, not unless they do it in the style of the first REmake with the team that did it..
Probably didn't want Claire or Chris killing any non-zombified humans
Imagine not liking CVX
will they keep this line in the remake?
This is such a dumb fucking Japanese autist reason that it is probably true
If they do remake it Alfred won't even be a crossdresser. He looked pretty good too
>being a chad
user are you off your meds again?
And it was the right choice
Leon and Claire are together for about 10 minutes, split up, and don't get reunited until the end, where they immediately split up again.
You mean Alfred. Alexander is his and Alexia’s father.
This boss is one the easiest in any game ever, I don't understand how anyone has problems with it, I literally never get hit.
What is it with these dudes wanting to look bad ass but refusing to put in the work to get buff?