Battleborn (Soul)
Overwatch (Soulless)
Battleborn (Soul)
Overwatch (Soulless)
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Why the fuck on you on Zig Forums Randy?
Battleborn lost and the rest is history
Fuck off Randy.
And no, both "games" are shit.
soulless vs a void in the space a soul should be
>using soul/soulless unironically
yep op is underage
They're both soulless
One was aping deviantart shit and the other is aping disney shit.
>Battleborn (Soul)
what a shit game, and that music.... its shit
It's actually shit and Randy's retardation vs shit with a bigger budget.
it's hilarious that both games ended up dying anyways, overwatch was just killed by its own hubris
I actually played Battleborn. It was bad in every aspect. It was so bad. I can't believe people actually put effort into that game. It was almost a non-game. It was anti-game. Fuck that game.
However, Lawbreakers deserved better.
Did he write that without replying to anyone? He actually took a picture, knew it looked like his shirt said cuck, and then uploaded it anyway?
the guy is a faggot that doesn't understand what the consumers want. kinda wish more studios would fail so this shit would stop
I'm pretty sure there were so many people calling him cuck at the time and using that shirt as a reaction image but editing it to say cuck that he just addressed it without having to be direct.
Man, 2016 was so terrible for video games but so good for stupid internet bullshit. Too bad it ruined everything after.
battleborn was such a shit fucking game lmao are you serious?
What a sad shell of a man
I blame Cliffy entirely for LB failing, and he deserved it, but LB didn't. That terrible marketing, the pozzed shit, the ugly designs, all him. But the gameplay and mechanics were great (besides that stupid ball mode), it felt like Quake for zoomers and I loved it.
To be fair nobody played it.
Lawbreakers would actually be pretty popular if it released right now.
Overwatch is currently stale as shit and leaking player population by the day.
Because it was bad
>Battleborn (Soul)
Honestly if they changed half the cast to not be ugly goblins and refined the performance it could have been what all of these "arena revival" shooters wanted to be. I genuinely enjoyed the gameplay, especially on that completely unfinished and untextured map. Felt amazing, reminded me of playing custom TF2 on orange_x3 or even those custom Quake/UT maps. I just want a game to go fast in again. I miss you T:A.
No game with microtransactions in it could be considered art or having soul. As soon you try to pull more money out of players than the base purchase, you admit you were more concerned with making money than actually making something memorable and leaving an impact on the medium.
not surprising, maybe the rumors of naughty dog having and hating this type of ideology is also true
wow this is
This. Lawbreakers was a fun fuckign game despite the hideously ugly designs, lazy balancing, and wildly stupid shit Cliffy and his agenda pushing cronies were saying in and out of the game. If ANY other dev team took the core gameplay and did a total overhaul of the visuals and tone, it would be amazing.
While I agree with you, it MUST be stated that if a game's lootbox shit can be gotten for free infinitely AND ALSO does not affect gameplay or balance, it's not nearly as much of any issue. At that point, it's just laziness and greed, not genuinely villainous anti-consumer trash that it could have been.
Fuck off Randy Bobandy
At least Overwatch gave us some top tier waifus for 3D porn.
>Monday Night Combat
>Super Monday Night Combat
Less Soul