Name one remake that is actually better than the original

name one remake that is actually better than the original

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Resident Evil for Gamecube

Kirby Super Star Ultra.

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Easy question.

FF4 (both the NDS and PSP remakes)
Tactics Ogre PSP
Resident Evil GC
Resident Evil 2


Rance 01
Rance 03



First post, based post

do they make out and fuck

>he played the "games" when the hentai exist

I've played the shit out of both, and I honestly think that SJR is a better experience that SJ. I really like the extra content as well as the quality of life improvements. Also, even though I think the updated art for the main characters is a bit of a downgrade, I think it's really cool how all of the minor characters got portraits! Lastly, the game just sounds better. The menu noises in regular SJ actually make me queezy

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Metroid Zero Mission

Gotta agree with the Resident evil 1 remake since it changed nothing, everything is the same but polished, better graphics, yet same iconic combat.

RE2 is a pain in the head for the story but the gameplay and graphics are beautiful

RE3 looks well, not as good as it should, has awful facial animations, but the story is pure shit and new Carlos is pure cancer. At least Jill can be moded, but new Simp Carlos who doesn't have a personality but "yaaas queen slay!" is fucking pathetic, thank god we can change that hobo hair of his.

And the story, new doggy Nemesis, ugh, that's fucking disgusting.

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That's the good shit right there

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Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
The Art style is nicer and the voice direction is more dramatic
Also the addition of the first person mode made it so much better.

hahahah no

Big true. Crystal on the GBC was very good for it's time I still have my old cartridge but Kanto is so barren. Wild levels & variety sucks, all the boss battles are a meme.

What's your opinion on the matrixy gynmastics that Snake does?


>it changed nothing

Not him but It's probably bait. I never got why Zig Forums cried about The Twin Snakes MGS1 aged like milk that was already expired when it came out and Twin Snakes delivers the entire experience with some added nonssense.

Not a huge deal, the matrix and/or weird cutscenes don't really feel out of place to me. MGS has always been wacky.

I don't particularly care. Especially the door backflip, that was clearly meant to be comical.


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pretty much all of them


Yeah, but what worries me is that it makes snake look too flashy. To me, part of snake's charm in the original mgs was that he felt like some regular dude vs an army of crazy.

It's a 1:1. You didn't get an entire new story, the women are not in tanktops, it's literally the same game.

>Gotta agree with the Resident evil 1 remake since it changed nothing, everything is the same but polished, better graphics, yet same iconic combat.
Every single puzzle is different, the shark sequence is difference, there's a new boss, there's a lot of new rooms, areas and caves. I love the game and beat it like 6 times in a row, but REmake isn't a 1 to 1 of RE1.

It legit annoys me when people only play REmake instead of playing RE1. They're both super short games and a lot of people only do a single Jill run of REmake and then call it complete. I really can't consider these people RE fans.

Well, you can't really say that they didn't add anything new.

Resident Evil 2 Remake

The one on the right still has the larger cock. So he wins at life.

There is no hentai for 03 and it's a very good game. This smells like EOP cope.


You don't win anything if you're shitted out as a nigger.

shadow of the colossus for ps4

My headcanon is that Twin Snakes is Otacon's retelling of what happened, which is why it is so flashy and anime as fuck.

actually no
some soulless changes for sure
