Super metroid

>super metroid
>get to water place
>go through door
>at older part of the game
>door locks behind me
>gotta walk all around again
nice exploration based game boys

Attached: 3456734643.png (762x1272, 750.87K)

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Is it that sandpit area?
That door is just a way back if you fall into them, there's nothing there to explore.

The Varia Suit is factually hotter than the Zero Suit.

Attached: Bunny Varia.png (1132x800, 775.64K)

I think I just got a new fetish

there's not enough varia lewds

Attached: 1528299037451.png (1280x1600, 594.91K)

Cause most artists are weak, and lazy.

Attached: 1546630965616.jpg (800x800, 391.47K)

Attached: 1533941321631.png (1024x768, 1.28M)

user what have you done

finally, a good metroid thread


moar pls

I know, not clang.

Attached: 1579770292360.jpg (566x800, 315.01K)

ruined it

Attached: 1580792416078.png (768x1024, 868.75K)


Attached: 1580792341818.jpg (1166x1200, 150.61K)

Better impression of the zero suit IMO, more clang.

Attached: a22e2a5a6a0df546e247386ba0c10b9af067b312.png (1280x1920, 3.12M)

Welp, thanks for the new fetish you guys

s'all good user, we all make mistakes sometimes

I need more fucking metroidvanias in my life while I wait for Prime 4 to come out
Silksong is taking too damn long, Rainworld's More Slugcats mod is taking too damn long, and I don't have the money for Ori and the Giga Nigga Owl Onslaught
And I also wasted my money on Blasphemy as is and can't refund it, shit sucks

Attached: Samus finds the Knight.jpg (2000x1500, 206.49K)

yeah, that is kinda nea-
>scrolls down
gee, i wonder what that artist is into

Blame the fanbase for being super autistic about porn, so instead it all comes from smashfags who know nothing about the series and just draw generic zero suit pinups.

The same as me but the artist clearly doesn't appreciate them encased in a suit, not exactly to my liking.

>No shemale SA-X fugging Samus

foot fags are the worse degenerates, right above furfags

Attached: 1535995621162.png (550x550, 49.94K)

armor is also hard to draw
so artists usually take the easy way when drawing her

Giving Samus armor under her armor is stupid. Any weapon powerful enough to breach the varia suit would easily breach any retarded space kevlar.

Do armor breaks count as varia lewds because it pisses me off that Samus barely has any art like that despite literally being made for it.

Attached: game over.gif (160x190, 18.17K)

she's too busy with other things

Attached: 2709243 - Metroid NitroTitan Samus_Aran sa-x.png (1181x615, 728.71K)

Oh no, not again!

Attached: 2921063 - Metroid bleachedleaves sa-x.png (1071x231, 436.23K)