What’s with assassin’s creed making fake history?
Female Vikings never existed
What’s with assassin’s creed making fake history?
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>inb4 doesn't count because we don't have concrete evidence
Yeah, sorry there's no visual footage of her fighting.
i coom
the real question is who gives a shit about assassins creed. fucking boring game. climb the building. find the collectible
>children were also found buried with weapons
>thus confirming that the vikings had child warriors in their armies
fun fact, that skeleton didn't have any evidence of injuries or battles scars. Typically you can tell if someone was a warrior by checking their bones for battle injuries, so unless this bitch was so good she literally never got hurt in a battle then she wasn't a fighter.
>b-but history channel show have female vikings
female assassins in anachronistic clothes with a blade-arm never existed either
She could have just been buried with weapons and armor because of burial customs. We just don't know. Everything we know about norse culture was written by a christian on Iceland 200-400 years afterwards.
it’s a glitch in the animus
>so good she literally never got hurt in a battle
Sounds like every modern day story.
Doesn't the Saga of the Greenlanders describe a woman (Thorfinn's wife IIRC) fighting along with the men to blow off Native Leaf attack?
The Swedes weren't vikings. They just lived near them.
no they just didn't raid England, they went down the rivers in Russia
there MIGHT have been some. But this whole "Vikings had weird-ass dreadlocks and pseudo-mohawks" shit is what really needs to go.
>The Swedes weren't vikings
are you retarded?
>female vikings never existed
Ever heard of shieldmaidens, faggot? Valkyries? Shut the fuck up.
Vikings had female warriors in their own stories what's the difference of putting them in a fake game story
>history doesn't matter, spartan women didn't battle but let's make a story about a woman being trained for battle and becoming a mercenary when in a realistic scenario she would be farming or knitting
Don't pretend they're putting a woman here because it's historically accurate
You can't or it'll hurts my feelings.
Remember kids
Pushing agendas is more important than preserving history
The funniest part of this is that only the incels they hate so much will be the ones picking the female character
Assassin's Creed takes place in an alternate universe in which everything that ever happened throughout the history of civilization was actually part of an endless feud between an authoritarian conspiracy and the secret order of highly trained killers who want to kill them, and no important historical figure ever had any motivation or took any action that wasn't related to that ongoing conflict, and all of history is practically rendered moot because the canonical explanation for whatever happened is actually "the assassins fought the templars". It might as well also be an alternate universe in which modern progressives' wet dream of females being being equally as murderous as men had also been true throughout at least some of the entire rewritten history of Earth.
Who even seriously cares anymore?
well probably. "preserving history" is fucking pointless for most people.
so play the male like me :)
Like feminism
I beat Origins and I would just like to say that Aya is a cunt
>People actually take this stance now.
You're beyond fucked
those were finns you absolute retard
also these threads are so shit they are always filled with faggots who think they are masters on historical knowledge lol
>When the sword came down upon her head, the blade cut her to the bone.
>When a quick analysis revealed the skeleton to be female, it was immediately interpreted as the first physical example of a shield-maiden, a mythical female warrior only referenced in medieval texts before then.
> A woman of about 18 or 19 years old with a strong jaw, swollen eye and a forehead that's seen better days. According to the team's analysis of the warrior's skull, the maiden suffered a serious head injury consistent with a sword strike — however, the wound showed signs of healing and may not have been her ultimate cause of death.
> this woman was buried with an array of weapons and horses, plus a set of chess-like gaming pieces that suggested a tactical aptitude commensurate with a high-ranking military official, the researchers who made the discovery wrote in a study. Not only is it likely that she was a warrior, but she may also have been a general.
(pic unrelated)
>that thing
the state of western vidya. i may have to fap to it, but i dont have to like it.
Yeah but she's hot in the DLC though.
I wonder how people would react if a piece of media portrayed 18th century America with 50% white slaves and then hid behind "We didn't want to prioritize historical racism."
Very nice. But is it the only discivery? Would be much nicer if they found at least 2 more of those.
Did you expect her to wear a bikini armor?
If they made it today there would be outrage, but if they made it 2000 years in the future... not so much.
i expect her not to look like she's hiding a penis.
>noooooo you can't just add women into my historical power fantasy!!! Muh historical accuracy!!! VIKINGS WERE MEN AND ONLY MEN!!!
The fact that there are several texts describing them throughout hundreds of years corroborating their existence along with this physical evidence should be more than enough proof.
What up with the like dozen Nordic themed games that came out this generation? Is it because of Skyrim?
Assasins creed has mythical monsters and shit as well. If your going for the fantasy approach woman warriors are okay.
Dunno, but I like it
>Finds the one single example of maybe a female viking warrior existing with circumstantial evidence
>"See guys there were many female vikings too so this is completely normal!"
It's just so disingenuous. They try to pull the same shit with the "Europe has always been multicultural!" garbage.
What up with the like dozen Japanese themed games that came out this generation? Is it because of Ninja Gaiden?
>Inspired by historical events and characters. This work of FICTION was designed, developed and produced by a multicultural team of various religious faiths and beliefs.
literally in every single game
I'm reserving judgement until I see a proper ingame render of her.
>sexy female viking
Unrealistic on top of unrealistic. It's so unrealistic that it's a wonder anyone can take it seriously.
Nobody does.
The first AC was about alien artifacts