
>tfw (that feel when) characters in a 16 year old video game somehow look less lifeless than those in its sequel from 2020

Sorry, I just can't see this not flopping.

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it looks great but i don't know if it's good until i play it

At least they improved the gameplay.

Oh wait.

Attached: Bloodlines 2 gunplay.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

the facial animations are just not expressive enough

Not so fast. Maybe a trip to the Brujah bike club bathhouse will change your mind.

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>here's your sequel to a beloved cult classic, bro. >that'll be $60 + $20 for Nosferatu dlc.

No but they did at least fix that one persistent bu-

Oh right...

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I'd say the only lifeless looking one is the business lady

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>That Source Filmmaker and Garry's Mod youtube facial distortion.
>This is the official trailer for your game.
This can't be real, this was a joke right?

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but I also think she's looking at a screen so

fuck you

Well, they're vampires, it's good if they look lifeless

I like both. I'm more worried about the gameplay and the garbage woke shit.

How the fuck does a sequel released 16 years after the original have worse facial animations? Even with the hellish development VTMB went through how do you make any aspect worse?

Yeah even the movements look lifeless, they nailed it

Attached: lol.webm (1240x698, 2.87M)

This is the only good thing about bloodlines2 so far

Trannies and literal nobodies SJW who were makign shovelware up to this point and are concerned more with making Malkavians "schizo pandering" rather than actual quality game.
VTMB2 was never going to happen.

Right looks like characters out of those cheap chink mobile game ads

This looks fucking great

Trying to hard, no authenticity, just doing it for the reddit memes

What do you mean lifeless? I dance like that too.

>sequel to a buggy, underrated mess looks like a sequel to a buggy, underrated mess
What am I supposed to be mad about again?

It reminds me of outer worlds and thats not a good thing.

I'm also worried about the lack of 3rd person.

Interesting, Cyberpunk was also ruined by FPS only and the garbage woke shit.

this looks based

Kill yourself and leave Zig Forums in that order

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They're vampires so of course they're lifeless

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you first sperg

>flailing himself around to the greatest possible distance to assert dominion over his surroundings while rotating to ensure full 360° coverage
Absolute CHADance

Suck my penis and lick my asshole in no particular order.

This just looks autistic.

Nothing bad about it.

Would you rather him be doing flossing fortnite dancing? This is based

I honestly first thought that the tranny looking guy from the trailer was also supposed to wear a mask at first.
his face looked too much like plastic-
I guess that is the power of female and "diverse" developers

you sure those mobile games usually have pretty hot character designs since they are all made by koreans

16 years later and we can't beat this?

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>not including the terrible corpses without skin textures

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Post them.