"gg ez bots"

>"gg ez bots"
How do you respond?

Attached: 1512877257654.png (527x193, 90.12K)

Reported for toxic behavior.

Report them for bullying.

"wp" and move on

"not really"

Ignore them and they go away, Mieruko-chan.

Reported for toxic behavior

>3 days later
"Measures have taken against an account you reported recently! Thank you for your feedback."

Attached: fI8UN.gif (400x374, 485.93K)

Ice cream? god I love ice cream!

no u

Why do you think I give a fuck?

"care to extrapolate?"

gg 2ez

Same as always every game



I just never say gg. If I had a bad game it's a lie, and if it was truly a good game then I'm just rubbing it in the faces of the other team that probably didn't have a good game.

You reap what you sow. Say word, get your game stolen.

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Jogo Joia

stop losing

i don't because i'm the one who said it, even if i lost

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If it was truly a good game it wasn't a stomp and the majority of the enemy team would have actually had fun. That almost never happens now though

saying it while losing is pathetic but ok

Don't respond. Play another match until I get bored then go watch some anime and/or read manga.

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Well, if they're saying that because they won then they're obviously on my team, which means its not addressed to me and doesn't warrant a response.

Wish you could report ghosts.

Attached: file.png (893x1614, 927.13K)

>hit two buttons
enjoying getting robbed.

I refuse to believe there is a game that bans people for saying gg ez. Is that a thing?

Report them and then 4 days later see them posting here with

Attached: 1416469705628.gif (495x495, 1.4M)

I hate women


That little boy ghost fucking cheated, that shit should be against the rules.

leave before they say it so they talk to an empty lobby like a retard

overwatch didn't ban people for it but they filtered it to say this, which never stopped people from saying it and ended up making the same people mad

Attached: 1569277916871.jpg (712x713, 87.42K)

>Quick Play
>All Audiences
>Requires Photo ID verifying 21 yrs of age, no criminal record, IQ test above 110, 2 mo. record of good behavior in Quick Play with all characters, and IP within the same primary language region
Wow look I just fixed every competitive game.

Attached: 1498013894359.jpg (621x1028, 49.59K)

imagine being the unaware cuck that typed up these as responses

>having allchat enabled

>quick play
>all audiences
>instantly hardware banned
wow look I just fixed every multiplayer game

Wait, so all I would have to do is punch in four characters over and over to generate a chat destroying wall of text?

Criminally based. I do this too now. Feels good.

I think it's really weird to mix in messages about insecurity with
>wishing you all the best!
in an attempt to be "less toxic"

>report my team
That's it. That way they get even more angry after losing because of me .